Global WACh

April 4, 2016

Global WACh Now Accepting Applications for Small Change Awards

Download the 2016 instructions and application here: GlobalWACh-Small-Change-RFA

Deadline: May 1, 2016

Small Changes With Big Impact

Life saving equipment purchased by Homa Bay Hospital with funds from the 2015 Small Change awards.

The University of Washington Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (Global WACh) aims to contribute to scientific discoveries, nurture leaders, and foster collaborative approaches to improving the health and well-being of women, adolescents, and children.  As part of this commitment, Global WACh supports Small Change Awards that empower local front-line care providers to identify targets for clinical improvement, compete for support, and advocate for their patients.  Small Change awards improve the patient experience in limited and middle income countries by improving clinical care, patient satisfaction, workforce empowerment, and health service delivery for programs benefiting the health of women, adolescents and children.

Eligibility Requirements (Applicants must meet requirements to apply)

  • Applicant is employed by a current UW partner organization in a low resource setting
  • Applicant is a staff or faculty member working in a health program or clinical setting that serves women, adolescents or children

**NEW THIS YEAR: Low resources sites/programs located in the USA are now eligible for Small Change Awards

Types of resources funded

Proposals must address unmet needs and improve the experience of women, adolescents, and children receiving healthcare services.

Potential topics may include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Infrastructure improvements to existing structures (paint, furniture, signage) and associated labor costs
  • Electronics (telephones, tablets, computers, AV)
  • Medical equipment (stethoscopes, scales)
  • Youth-friendly clinic improvements (play areas, toys)
  • Patient educational materials

Proposals that will not be considered:

  • Consumable supplies (gloves, gowns, notebooks etc.)
  • Items that will not be retained at the site (e.g., giveaways to patients)
  • Items and supplies that are already provided through government programs (e.g., mosquito nets)
  • Ongoing salary support for staff

Funding Available

Awards of less than $1000 USD are strongly encouraged and will be given preference due to the scope of the award.

Visit the Small Change webpage for more details.