Global WACh

February 23, 2021

Researchers plan to present latest HIV science at virtual CROI 2021

The Conference on Retroviral Opportunistic Infections (CROI) is an annual forum for scientists and clinical investigators to present, discuss, and critique their investigations into the epidemiology and biology of human retroviruses and associated diseases.  Every year, many Global WACh researchers present their study findings, contributing to the accelerating global progress in HIV and AIDS research.

This year, CROI will be held online from March 6-10, 2021.  We have compiled a list of Science Spotlight presentations and an oral symposia presentation that our researchers are presenting.  See their presentations at the conference and visit our blog next month when we feature the full abstract summaries and authors!

ScienceSpotlight Abstracts

  • Monitoring of HIV Drug Resistance Among Seroconverters on PrEP in Kenya – Bhavna Chohan (Clinical Assistant Professor, UW Global Health; Senior Research Scientist, Kenya Medical Research Institute)
  • Partner Testing Among Pregnant Women Offered HIV Retesting in Kenya – Wenwen Jiang (PhD Student, UW Epidemiology)
  • Risk-based vs. Universal PrEP Delivery: A Cluster Randomized Trial – John Kinuthia (Affiliate Associate Professor, Global Health; Lecturer, University of Nairobi) – Late Breaker
  • Trajectories of Perinatal Depression Symptoms in Kenyan Women Living with HIV – Anna Larsen (PhD Candidate, UW Epidemiology), Lusi Osborn (Data Manager, Kenyatta National Hospital)
  • Tenofovir Hair Levels Similar Among Pregnant and Postpartum PrEP Users – Jillian Pintye (Assistant Professor, UW Nursing)
  • RCT of Two-Way vs. One-Way SMS Messaging to Improve Efficacy of PMTCT-ART in Kenya – Keshet Ronen (Acting Assistant Professor, UW Global Health) and John Kinuthia (Affiliate Associate Professor)
  • Outcomes of isoniazid preventive therapy among children living with HIV in Kenya – Dickens Onyango (County Ministry of Health, Kenya) and Sylvia LaCourse (Assistant Professor, Global Health and Medicine-Allergy & Infectious Diseases)
  • M. tuberculosis exosome detection for TB diagnosis in children living with HIV – Sylvia LaCourse (Assistant Professor)


  • Wednesday, March 10th – Adolescents, Youth, and PrEP
    • PrEP During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding – John Kinuthia (Affiliate Associate Professor, Global Health; Lecturer, University of Nairobi)