Global WACh

April 8, 2024

Global WACh hosts Dr. Eleanor Namusoke Magongo for the Endowed DELV Lecture and Faculty Exchange in Global Health

Dr. Eleanor Magongo delivered a keynote at UW on April 3, 2024. Credit: Kate Rankin

From April 2-4, Global WACh hosted Dr. Eleanor Namusoke Magongo, Paediatric and Adolescent HIV Care and Treatment Team Lead at the Ministry of Health Uganda, for a series of guest speaking events and meetings at the UW.  Dr. Magongo is a Pediatrician and Child Health Specialist with 15 years of experience leading teams to implement, monitor and scale up pediatrics and adolescent HIV programs in Uganda. She was selected by team members as the distinguished scholar of this year’s Endowed DELV Lecture and Faculty Exchange in Global Health program.  The program is supported by an endowed gift and intended to advance learning for UW faculty, staff, and students and to foster collaboration in global health.

Dr. Magongo gave a keynote titled, “Bridging the Gap Between Researchers and Policy Makers: Translating Research into Policy and Implementation,” showcasing compelling examples of successful research translation in her work. View the recording here. She interacted with several groups in the Department of Global Health and across the UW to exchange ideas on HIV programs and build new partnerships:



Global WACh Postdoctoral Scholars had lunch with Dr. Magongo and gave rapid presentations on their research. From left to right: Drs. Jillian Neary, Anna Larsen, Eleanor Namusoke Magongo, Ruchi Tiwari (on screen), Irene Njuguna, Nuttada Panpradist, and Michelle Bulterys. Credit: Nuttada Panpradist


Dr. Magongo’s visit inspired, energized, and left a positive impact on those she interacted with and who listened to her talks. After wrapping up a successful endowed program, we look forward to organizing the next one in the 2024-2025 academic year.