Global WACh

May 21, 2021

A sneak peek of Global WACh research at summer conferences 2021

Faculty, staff, students, and collaborators representing Global WACh’s research are invited to present their findings at large annual conferences this summer.  We’ve rounded up some abstracts of interest, with more information to come!

If you are attending any of these scientific gatherings, be sure to add these presentations to your calendars!  Refer to the title or reference numbers to find the presentation date and time in the program guides.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health (ANH) Academy (June 21 – July 2)

The ANH Academy Week is a series of annual events that bring together the community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working at the intersection of agriculture, food systems, nutrition and health.

Measurement of benefits in economic analyses of nutrition-specific and -sensitive programs: a systematic review J. Wun, C. Kemp, C. Puett, C. Levin
Evidence and insights on the costs of multisectoral nutrition interventions: Synthesis of findings from the SEEMS-Nutrition common approach C. Levin, C. Kemp, J. Wun, A. Margolies, A. Twalibu, G. Thai, N. Sultana, K.C. Sagun, U. Paudel, P. Acharya, K. Cunningham, D. Davis, A. Gelli
Costing and scaling-up a community-based nutrition-sensitive early childhood development intervention in Malawi C. Levin, Au. Gelli, A. Maroglies, A. Twalibu
Cost and cost-efficiency of the Suaahara II multi-sectoral nutrition program in Nepal C. Kemp, K.C. Sagun, U. Paudel, J. Wun, P. Acharya, K. Cunningham, D. Davis, C. Levin
Application of a common approach to measure the costs and benefits of your agriculture, nutrition, health program, project or intervention: A hands on learning experience! C. Levin, C. Kemp, J. Crocker, E. Choo, H. Haghparast, A. Margolies, A. Gelli


International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics

The International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics provides a platform for presentations and discussions of the latest developments in Paediatric HIV, encourages young investigators to engage in the field of paediatric/perinatal HIV research, and stimulates new research activities and collaborations.

Health care worker experiences with COVID-19 in Kenya: personal protective equipment availability and service disruption for PrEP delivery for pregnant and postpartum women J. Sila, G. John-Stewart, J. Kinuthia, J. Pintye, J. Dettinger, F. Otieno, L. Gomez, B. Odhiambo, N. Mgumbau, G. Oketch, E. Wawire, A. Wagner


International AIDS Society (IAS) 2021

IAS is the world’s most influential conference on HIV Science. This biennial conference presents the critical advances in basic, clinical and operational research that moves science into policy and practice.

No association between prenatal PrEP exposure and adverse growth outcomes among Kenyan infants: a prospective study Reference: A-IAS2021-00358 L. Gómez,  J. Pintye,  J. Stern,  N. Ngumbau,  B. Ochieng,  M. Marwa,  S. Watoyi,  J. Dettinger,  B. Richardson,  F. Abuna,  G. John-Stewart,  J. Baeten,  J. Kinuthia
Risk factors for adverse birth outcomes among women living with HIV on ART in pregnancyapproach Reference: A-IAS2021-01416 W. Jiang,  L. Osborn,  A. L. Drake,  J. A. Unger,  D. Matemo,  J. Kinuthia,  K. Ronen,  G. John-Stewart
Incidence and co-factors of Mtb infection in first 2 years of life: observational follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of INH to prevent primary Mtb infection among HIV-exposed uninfected children Reference: A-IAS2021-01475 S. LaCourse, J. Escudero, N. Carimo,  B. Richardson,  L. Cranmer,  A. Warr,  E. Maleche-Obimbo,  J. Mecha,  D. Matemo,  J. Kinuthia,  T. Hawn,  G. John-Stewart
Influences on healthcare worker acceptability, feasibility and sustainability of an Adolescent Transition Package in Kenya Reference: A-IAS2021-01324 D. Mangale, I. Njuguna, C. Mugo, A. Price, C. Mburu, H. Moraa, J. Itindi, D. Wamalwa, G. John-Stewart, K. Beima-Sofie