Global WACh

May 26, 2023

Global WACh participates in the DGH LAPIS Symposium


On May 19th in the Hans Rosling Center, the Learning for Action in Policy Implementation and Health Systems (LAPIS) Initiative–a resource hub aiming to foster collaboration across the Department of Global Health and support the integration of health policy or health systems objectives into research grants and training–held its first event in the Global Health Systems and Policy Implementation Symposium Series.  The event included lightning talk sessions, poster abstract sessions, and opportunities for networking. Multiple centers, programs, and initiatives of the department, including Global WACh, participated in the symposium to showcase their efforts in health systems strengthening, policy implementation research, and education and training.

Below are some of Global WACh’s notable key achievements that Dr. Anjuli Wagner, Assistant Professor in Global Health, summarized in a lightning talk:

Health Systems Strengthening

  • Improving PrEP integration in MCH clinics in Kenya
    • Seeking approaches to overcome challenges in implementation in health system and decreases health care workers’ loads and enhances client experience
    • Determining best model for optimized PrEP delivery during pregnancy
  • Utilizing the novel Mobile WACh SMS platform
    • PrEP adherence during pregnancy through postpartum period; evaluate acceptability by patients and providers, and cost-effectiveness
    • Connect mothers with community health volunteers; evaluate clinical outcomes, service outcomes, implementation outcomes (acceptability, uptake, fidelity)
    • Reproductive health counseling and integrated reproductive health/HIV services among women receiving routine HIV care.
  • Building a Community of Practice (CoP) to eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD)
    • Developing a digitally supported CoP for African NTD program managers, where they can learn from one another and collaborate in pursuit of reaching national and global NTD goals
  • Reviewing guidelines and guideline update for pediatric care in Kenya
    • Identifying factors influencing guideline use
    • Mapping health system level determinants affecting uptake of guideline-recommended care for children
    • Developing organization and team-level strategies to improve uptake of guideline recommended care practices

Policy Implementation Research


In addition, students and staff affiliated with the Center presented four poster abstracts:

  • Esther Choo, PhD Candidate in Global Health – The Food Environment Rapid Assessment Index: Measuring food environments in Nepal
  • Sarah Hicks, PhD Student in Epidemiology – Integrating PrEP in maternal and child health clinics in Kenya: analysis of a Service Availability and Readiness (SARA) Survey
  • Kellie List, Global WACh Grant and Program Manager – Reimagining Policy Implementation Science in a Global Context
  • Priyanka Shrestha, PhD Student in Global Health – Recommendations for Kenya Community Health Strategy: Identifying potential disparities in access and delivery of SMS-based healthcare module using the ASPIRE framework