Gamelin Research Group

Department of Chemistry, University of Washington

Development and Characterization of New Inorganic Materials
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Group News (New members, publications, milestones, awards, and more!)

March 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Ted Cohen and Dr. Tyler Milstein on successfully defend their theses!

March 2022 Congratulations to Laura Jacoby on receiving Spring Quarter funding from the Data Intensive Research Enabling Clean Technology (DIRECT) program!

March 2022 Congratulations to Eden Tzanetopoulos on receiving an honorable mention on her NSF-GRFP application!

February 2022 Matthew Chang, Jacob Baillie, and Eden Tzanetopoulos all pass their 2nd year exams.

December 2021 First year graduate students Thom Snoeren and Rachel Tenney join the group.

September 2017 The Molecular Enginering Materials Center, a new NSF-funded MRSEC directed by Daniel, is officially announced. Check out the UW press release and Seattle Times article for more details.

September 2017 Congratulations to Tyler on being selected as a UW Clean Energy Institute Graduate Fellow for 2017-2018!

September 2017 Kimberly's paper on extra electrons and negative-tetron luminescence in CdSe/CdS quantum dots is published in ACS Nano.

September 2017 Second-year molecular engineering graduate student Ted Cohen joins the group.

August 2017 Rachel and Charlie's review on single magnetic impurities in quantum dots and clusters is published in Chemistry of Materials.

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"In the News" (Group research featured in the news)

September 2017: The search for secret ingredients: UW gets grant to invent new materials that could power the next big technology (Seattle Times)

September 2017: UW to host $15.6M NSF-funded center for innovation, education in materials science (UW News)

October 2016: Shining a Light on Quantum Dot Redox Chemistry (JACS Spotlights) pdf

August 2016: Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals Showcase Their True Potential (JACS Spotlights) pdf

March 2015: Renewable energy: Better luminescent solar panels in prospect (Nature News & Views) pdf

February 2015: Daniel wins the 2015 Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship Award from the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry.

January 2015: Aliovalent Doping in ITO Nanocrystals Leads to Big Shifts (JACS Spotlights) pdf

August 2014: Ligands can make for patchy nanocrystal surface ( pdf

April 2014: Doped semiconductor nanocrystals boost solar concentrators ( pdf

December 2013: UW Clean Energy Institute launches
Pictured at left: Daniel, Governor Jay Inslee, Alina, and Mike at the CEI grand opening.

December 2013: Using Light To Dope Quantum Dots (Chemical & Engineering News) pdf

October 2013: Doping by Diffusion (Science: Editors' Choice) pdf

April 2013: "Falling Into Traps": New Auger Process in Semiconductor Nanocrystals (Science: Editors' Choice) pdf

August 2011: Magnetic semiconductors for optospintronics (

April 2011: Auger effect boosts doped devices (

October 2010: Excited Inorganic Nanocrystals Give a Peak Performance (Materials Today) pdf

August 2010: Semiconductor Nanocrystals Make Ideal Optical Thermometers ( pdf

October 2009: Shedding Light on Nanomagnets (Nature Nanotechnology) pdf

September 2009: Magnetism: Lighting the Way (Nature Nanotechnology) pdf

August 2009: Light Magnetizes Nanoscale Semiconductors (

August 2009: Trip the Light Magnetic (Nature Research Highlights)

August 2009: Room Temperature Quantum Magnets (Chemical & Engineering News) pdf

August 2009: Putting a Spin on Electronics (Chemical & Engineering News)

August 2006: Green Pigment Spins Chip Promise (BBC, NPR)

May 2006: Charging Up Magnetic Quantum Dots for Spintronics (Materials Today)

April 2005: Chemical Control of Magnetic Semiconductors (Materials Today)

November 2004: Ferromagnetic Origins of TiO2 (Materials Today)

September 2004: Daniel receives the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.

October 2003: High Temperature Ferromagnetism in Zn (Scientific Russian) pdf