Dr. Kevin R. Kittilstved
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Research group website
- 2009-2010 Post-Doc, University of Washington, Seattle, WA with Prof. Daniel Gamelin
- 2007-2009 Post-Doc, University of Geneva, Switzerland with Prof. Andreas Hauser
- 2006 Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, WA with Prof. Daniel Gamelin
- 2001 B.S. Chemistry, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
Publications (Gamelin group and pre-Gamelin group only)
Cohn, A. W.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. "Tuning the Potentials of "Extra" Electrons in Colloidal
Johnson, C. A.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Kaspar, T. C.; Droubay, T. C.; Chambers, S. A.; Salley, G. M.; Gamelin, D. R. "Mid-Gap Electronic States in Zn1-xMnxO." Phys. Rev. B 2010, 82, 115202. (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Hauser, A. "Electronic Structure and Photophysics of Pseudo-Octahedral Vandium (III) Oxo Complexes." Coord. Chem. Rev. 2010, 21-22, 2663-2676. (Invited Review) (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Sorgho, L. A.; Amstutz, N.; Tregenna-Piggott, P. L. W.; Hauser, A. "Ground-State Electronic Structure of Hydrated Vanadium (III) Trisoxalate Compounds." Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 7750-7764. (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Hauser, A. "Electronic structure of V3+ in NaMgAl(ox)3 • 9H2O probed by Fourier Transform Spectroscopy." J. Lumin. 2009, 129, 1493-1496. (view)
Liu, W. K.; Whitaker, K. M.; Smith, A. L.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Robinson, B. H.; Gamelin, D. R. "Room-Temperature Electron Spin Dynamics in Free-Standing ZnO Quantum Dots." Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98, 186804. (view)
Chambers, S. A.; Schwartz, D. A.; Liu, W. K.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. " Growth, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Doped ZnO Epitaxial and Nanocrystalline Films. " Appl. Phys. A 2007, 88, 1-5. (Invited Paper) (view)
Chambers, S. A.; Droubay, T. C.; Wang, C. M.; Rosso, K.; Heald, S. M.; Schwartz, D. A.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. "Ferromagnetism in Oxide Semiconductors?" Materials Today 2006, 9, 28-35. (Invited Review) (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Zhao, J.; Liu, W. K.; Bryan, J. D.; Schwartz, D. A.; Gamelin, D. R. "Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Ferromagnetic Co2+-Doped ZnO." Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 89, 062510. (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Schwartz, D. A.; Tuan, A. C.; Heald, S. M.; Chambers, S. A.; Gamelin, D. R. "Direct Kinetic Correlation of Carriers and Ferromagnetism in Co2+:ZnO." Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006, 97, 037203. (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Liu, W. K.; Gamelin, D. R. "Electronic Structure Origins of Polarity Dependent High-TC Ferromagnetism in Oxide Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors." Nature Materials 2006, 5, 291-297. (view)
Liu, W. K.; Whitaker, K. M.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. "Stable Photogenerated Carriers in Magnetic Semiconductor Nanocrystals." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 3910-3911. (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. "Manipulating Polar Ferromagnetism in Transition Metal Doped ZnO: Why Manganese is Different from Cobalt." J. Appl. Phys. 2006, 99, 08M112. (Invited Paper) (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Norberg, N. S.; Gamelin, D. R. "Chemical Manipulation of High-TC Ferromagnetism in ZnO Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors." Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005, 94, 147209. (view)
Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. "Activation of High-TC Ferromagnetism in Mn2+:ZnO using Amines." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 5292-5293. (view)
Schwartz, D. A.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Gamelin, D. R. "Above-Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Ni2+:ZnO Thin Films Prepared from Colloidal Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Dots." Appl. Phys. Lett. 2004, 85, 1395-1397. (view)
Norberg, N. S.; Kittilstved, K. R.; Amonette, J. E.; Kukkadapu, R. K.; Schwartz, D. A.; Gamelin, D. R. "Synthesis of Colloidal Mn2+:ZnO Quantum Dots and High-TC Ferromagnetic Nanocrystalline Thin Films." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 9387-9398. (view)