Gamelin Research Group

Department of Chemistry, University of Washington

Development and Characterization of New Inorganic Materials
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Thom Snoeren

Office: CHB 222


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Snoeren, T. J.; Pressler, K.; Gamelin, D. R. "Optically Resolved Exchange Splittings in the Doped Van der Waals Ferromagnet CrBr3:Yb3+." Phys. Rev. Mater., 2024, 8, 104410. (view)


Snoeren, T. J.; Pressler, K.; Kluherz, K. T.; Walsh, K. M.; De Yoreo, J. J.; Gamelin, D. R. "Luminescence and Covalency in Ytterbium-Doped CrX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) van der Waals Compounds." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145(31), 17427-17427. (view)

Pressler, K.; Snoeren, T. J.; Walsh, K. M.; Gamelin, D. R. "Magnetic Amplification at Yb3+ "Designer Defects" in the van der Waals Ferromagnet CrI3." Nano Lett., 2023, 23, 1320-1326. (view)


Opdam, J.; Tuinier, R.; Snoeren, T., J.; Sacana, S. "Selective Colloidal Bonds Via Polymer-Mediated Interactions" Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 7438-7446.