
SLeven-Minute Statistics Videos

SLeven-minute statistics are tips for students in a hurry!

The videos below show how to conduct various data management routines and statistical tests in just Seven to eLeven minutes.

This video shows you how to ensure data entry accuracy by comparing double-entered files in Excel.

This video shows you a quick way to conduct and interpret exploratory data analysis in SPSS 15.

This demo shows you how to use the “recode” commands in SPSS.


Logistic Regression

This section is a four-part series on running logistic regressions in SPSS.

Part 1: Logistic regression with spss.avi

Part 2: Logistic regression with spss.avi

Part 3: Logistic regression with spss.avi

Part 4: Logistic regression with spss.avi


Count-Based GzLM Demo

This section includes a Powerpoint presentation and accompanying demonstration videos on how to conduct generalized linear modeling fo count data using Poisson and negative binomial distributional assumptions.


Part 1: Dataset description and initial Poisson SPSS syntax

Part 2: Completed Poisson syntax steps

Part 3: Interpretation of Poisson regression SPSS output

Part 4: How to interpret incident rate ratios for categorical variables

Part 5: Negative binomial model in SPSS 15

Part 6: Exploratory data analysis supports findings