I am trying to write a letter about English ivy in order to get it removed from a public library. Is it a noxious weed?
Washington State and King County noxious weed information is updated annually. Currently, three cultivars of Hedera helix and one cultivar of Hedera hibernica are Class C Noxious Weeds in the State of Washington.
Here is the link to descriptions of these four types of English ivy.
Class C Noxious Weeds are weeds that are already widespread; removal is NOT required by law. However, individual counties can adopt removal programs as they see fit. Here is the complete list of Class C noxious weeds in Washington. Here is the page specifically about ivy.
King County also has more information on a website about noxious weeds.
King County does not require control or eradication of any of the four English ivy cultivars. Although control is strongly recommended, it is not required.