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Donor and Financial Information

Noteworthy throughout the 30+ year history of the Elisabeth C. Miller Library has been the generosity of the gardening community to help build both the building and the collections of the library, demonstrating the unique public-private partnership that exists between the University of Washington and the gardeners of the Northwest.

Generous support of the Elisabeth C. Miller Library through fundraising events by foundations and horticultural organizations has helped the library over the years and remains a critical component for our everyday operations. Not only do they raise needed funding but the events also build a sense of community and close relations between the library and gardeners throughout the Northwest. Donor Acknowledgement

To donate online use the UW secure form or mail a check made out “UW-Miller Library Fund” to Elisabeth C. Miller Library, UW Botanic Gardens, Box 354115, Seattle, WA 98195-4115.

Read the 2024 Annual Update Here

2025 Projected Income

2025 projected income, total income $387,900, Endowments 42%, Fundraising Events 2%, Miller Foundation 44%, Donations 8%, University of Washington 4%

2025 Projected Expenses

2025 projected expenses, total expenses $387,900, Collections 33%, Reference Services 24%, Outreach and Programs 25%, Community Development 7%, Management 11%

Expense Descriptions

(All activities include staff salaries and benefits.)


  • Researching and selecting potential acquisitions of both books and magazines
  • Ordering and processing receipt of acquisitions, including magazine check-ins
  • Cataloging new acquisitions; catalog maintenance
  • On-going review of collection content, review of donated books and magazines, binding of historical magazines

Reference Services

  • Helping library visitors with their research
  • Plant Answer Line service for phone, e-mail, and web submitted questions
  • Gardening Answers Knowledgebase updates and maintenance


  • Story Time programs
  • Library presentations and tours
  • Art exhibits; student poster exhibits
  • Leaflet and Leaflet for Scholars
  • Updating and maintaining
  • Plant sales and garden tours calendar
  • Research guide for students; other recommended websites
  • Book reviews for local and national publications
  • Participation in international professional associations for plant science libraries

Community Development

  • Annual book sale and party
  • Donor events
  • Volunteer thank you event
  • Donor records management
  • Annual appeal, thank you letters


  • Supervision of staff, students, and volunteers
  • Personnel records; time sheets
  • Management and reconciliation of budgets
  • Library equipment maintenance; acquisition of supplies
  • Participation in UW Botanic Garden management activities and events

Donor Acknowledgement

95% of the Miller Library’s direct operating support is raised through foundations, endowments, and individuals. Your support is critical to the continued health of the Elisabeth C. Miller Library.

Major funding for the Miller Library comes from:

Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation.

Additional support comes from:

Northwest Horticultural Society

Established Endowments and UW State Budget, including:

  • UW/Elisabeth C. Miller Horticultural Library Endowment
  • NHS/Seattle Foundation Endowment
  • UW/Ruth Ellerbeck Endowed Fund
  • UW/Jill Riehl Endowed Fund
  • UW/Stanley Hungerford Endowed Fund
  • UW/UWBG state budget

University of Washington

We are appreciative of the University of Washington for providing administrative support, personnel services, legal support, building services, and endowment funds management in addition to funds for operations.

Many individuals, garden societies and small businesses.

Donations in Fiscal Year 2022 (July 2021-June 2022)

$1000 and above

Susan Carter
Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation
Marian Hanson
Molly Hashimoto
Hilen Foundation (Tina and Hans Mandt)
Larry Howard and Nancy Winder
Norma Kirmmse-Borden and Allan Borden
Sue and Dave Nicol
Northwest Horticultural Society
Susanna Pinyuh
Ronda Stark
Michael and Mary Van Winkle

$500 to $999

Phoebe Andrew
James Braden
Chavah’s Garden
Christopher Mealy and Ara Olufson
Elizabeth and Ted Simon
Deborah Smeltzer and David T. Kingsbury
Akiko Sogabe
Sandra Solack
Rebecca Dvorin Strong
Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

$250 to $499

Carrie Bowman
Caren Crandell
Wendy DesCamp
Emily Dexter
Katy Gilmore
Thomas P. Kelly
Mary Landau
Roy Martin
Tracy and Chris Mehlin
Raymond Monnat
Northwestern Chapter, American Rock Garden Society
Sara Patterson
Clara Dikun Peterson
Christina and George Pfeiffer
Shizue Prochaska
Liz Ward
Sarah T. Yeager
Marty Wingate

$100 to $249

John Albers
Suzanne and Marvin Anderson
Linda Andrews
Annette Barca
Walt and Dona Bubelis
Lou Cabeen
Sharon Cohany and Glen Richardson
Eliza Davidson and Randolph Urmston
Suzanne Davis
Tanya DeMarsh-Dodson and Al Dodson
Jean Emmons
Janet and Michael Endsley
Jerry Franklin
Steve and Peggy Garber
Katy Gilmore
Elizabeth Gould
Fred and Ellen Hanson
Deborah Heg
Ann Hobson
David Jenkins
Arnold and Carol Jolles
Corinne Kennedy
Virginia King
Yolanda Kirk
Suzanne Kotz and Stephen Tarnoff
Lake Washington Garden Club Unit III
Kathy and Paul Lantz
Mark Lyke
Bill McJohn
Margaret Nelson
Tom Parker
Sashi Raghupathy
Randolph and Barbara Schnabel
Connie and John Sidles
Richie Steffen and Rick Peterson
Heather Talbot
Walter Thompson

Up to $99

JoAnn and Abdul Alidina
Marilyn Anderson
Mara Martha Blair
Mark Blitzer
Rick Collins
Jan Cranfield
Gabriele Dickmann
Shelley Evans
Wendy Gibble
Matt Giroux
Deborah Greenwood
Priscilla Grundy
Donald Gunderson
Lucia Harrison
Jaimie Kairis
Joan Karkeck
Sally Kim-Miller
Dianne Lev
Janet Lewinsohn
Anne Mac Arthur
Sue Marley
Elaine R. Matt
K. L. Moffett
Sue Nevler
Sue Olsen
Thomas Palm
Sylvia Portillo
Anne and John Pound
Nita-Jo Rountree
John Stephens and Stephen McCormick
David Streatfield
Susan Stuart
Richard Wieland
Catherine Wyndham

Please contact library manager, Brian Thompson at 206-543-1434, for information on making a donation.