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Off the Table?

Are there aspects of your daily life that you know contribute to your carbon footprint but you are unwilling to compromise to change them? In other words, what about your life is “off the table” when it comes to carbon emissions? It's OK to admit it- we all have these cherished behaviors!

Off the Table? >

Air Conditioning


I live where it’s hot 8 months out of 12. I know, repeat, KNOW that I wouldn’t have survived if not for air conditioning. I would have died of overheating a very long time ago. It doesn’t even have to be in the house. In the car, at school wherever. It gets very hot and so, I cannot give up air conditioning. Not now, not ever. Thank you, and goodbye.


GOd, life would be miserable here without air conditioning. Especially when the humidity is over 90% and the UV index is like 12. Especially because personally I have issues with my autonomic nervous system and regulating my body temperature, but I know everyone else hates it too. BUT I remember seeing this design for a recycled air conditioner that used no electricity when it was first released publically, and the concept has stuck with me since. It's not as good as conventional AC, but when you're in Bangladesh in the summer 5 degrees C definitely makes a difference

https://inhabitat.com/this-amazing-bang … ectricity/


I agree with you sometimes it gets really hot during the summer I really could not let go of the air conditioner. It is a really important thing to have in my opinion


I agree with you on not being able to give up air conditioning entirely, but I think it would be a good idea to keep the AC at a higher temperature, such as around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This decreases the amount of energy your AC uses because it puts less of a strain on the system. Many people tend to keep their homes very cold during the hot months, and just simply sacrificing a small bit of ideal comfort can make a difference. I also live where it is hot 8 months out of the year, and we had to do this the past summer to prevent the electricity from blacking out. It was not too bad and still much cooler than outside. I will be doing this again in the future and recommend others to try too.

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