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Home Grown

How much does eating locally-produced food help the climate problem? What are the other potential environmental and social benefits of eating locally-grown/produced food? Do you have a food garden in your school or at home? If not, do you want one?

Home Grown >

Home grown decreases carbon footprint


Home grown should be encouraged because the transportation of agricultural products create carbon footprint because the transportation creates air pollution. A home grown food creates way less carbon footprint


I agree Brandon, you should buy local made food instead of imported ones to save carbon footprint. Home grown things is much healthy and fresh then imported ones because you don’t know what companies keep in the imported food but you know what you keep in your home-grow food.


I also agree with you Brandon, The use of transportation for food like fruits and vegetables can create air pollution, which harms our environment. Having an at home garden can help reduce air pollution because there is less use of carbon and fossil fuels with cars.

Martha o

I agree with this Brandon, when it comes to having a chance to pick between home grown or having it being transported people should choose homegrown.It consumes a lot of fossil fuel & carbon to transport agriculture to your home, while doing at home doesn't consume as much carbon/ fossil fuels meaning it causes less harm to our environment.

Martha o

I agree with this Brandon, when it comes to having a chance to pick between home grown or having it being transported people should choose homegrown.It consumes a lot of fossil fuel & carbon to transport agriculture to your home, while doing at home doesn't consume as much carbon/ fossil fuels meaning it causes less harm to our environment.


We should really encourage locally cultivated veggies to minimize carbon emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels. So when you pick veggies straight from the garden, there will be no need for plastic packaging, which will significantly decreases the use of fossil fuels. Also, Pesticide and other chemical inputs in a modest, well-tended garden can be significantly lower than in a small farm.

Gianna Sampath

I agree that homegrown and locally bought food should be encouraged rather than getting foods transported. Transporting food can emit harmful gases into the air such as methane and other fossil fuels that can increase and induce harmful side effects to the environment.


I agree with you on this but making this reality will be hard since the world has evolved for importing food to keep relations with others. For example if the united states need rice ¨which probaly won´t¨ they would trade with china for the rice to get some. Now they can grow it but places are built by a order which is why certain places are known for certain stuff. Like in the states a lot of cheese is produced in winsconsin. Now other states can produce it but winsconsin is the lead of it. Though it is possible to have home grown food people will be lazy and it will take a change but it´s possible.?


I agree with you, but I think if people need to buy vegetables /fruits because they haven't grown it, didn't have the time to grow, or can't grow they should use reusable bags and go to their local grocery shop because usually local shops bring in fruits and vegetables locally instead of bringing them internationally like Walmart or other stores which lowers the transportation pollution a lot and this will a way of helping climate change

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