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Off the Table?

Are there aspects of your daily life that you know contribute to your carbon footprint but you are unwilling to compromise to change them? In other words, what about your life is “off the table” when it comes to carbon emissions? It's OK to admit it- we all have these cherished behaviors!

Off the Table? >

Ocean and Plants


People have got to start conserving more water, especially the ocean. 70% of the Earth’s oxygen comes from our oceans (phytoplankton). The ocean soaks up bout 30% of the CO2 that people on Earth make. The CO2 kills the the coral reefs in the ocean.

The plants here are also a big part that help Earth and the people in it. About 40% of the medicines that humans make come from the plants on Earth. Wildfires also hurt the environment a lot since they release CO2 into the air.

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