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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

Reusing supplies can help reduce greenhouse effect


Reusing can help reduce the greenhouse effect. When people are always throwing away things such as straws and water bottles, it's worsening the effects of the greenhouse effect. But when you reuse these things, this can help the environment a lot and can prevent pollution. The amount on energy and natural resources needed to produce the raw materials and manufacture the products that are needed.


People can reuse many household items after they are no longer needed for their primary use. For example, plastic water bottles can always be refilled at any nearby water fountain. Another example is using things like empty paper towel rolls for assorted crafts or art. Any paper/cardboard product and sometimes even dryer lint makes for good kindling for a fire.

Talia D

I agree with this because when we do not reuse items, more are produced releasing more carbon into our atmosphere. It is fairly easy to reuse. Some easy ways you can start now are like donating old clothes to thrift shops and reusing plastic bags and waste items. It is for sure true about what you said , how it takes a lot of materials and energy to make products. This dose not even include transportation and shipping. Overall this is a great point and I agree entirely!


I also agree 'cause we're in a world today who consumes too much. Lots of people say that they reuse but are they really doing this ? Did you know that we can wear our sweats, our pulls-over and our jeans over 10 times between each washing ? This could be a good start 'cause lots of people say that's disgusting to wear clothes more than 3 times but, did they tought just one time to the impact on the planet that this can cause ? And more, that's not dirty, don't listen to people judgement. Also, We can use pasta water for watering plants. That's not binding We just need to think of keeping this juice.


I agree with all these points. A lot of things in today’s society are one time use, like individually wrapped candies, bars, or gummies. There’s so much packaging as well, so it’s really good to buy either in bulk or less individually wrapped things. Also, trying to get things in containers that you can reuse - like metal, glass, or hard plastic - can be really good because then not only are you saving it, but you are using it to hold something else. I also think that this is something that people talk about a lot, but don’t always do it. There are so many ways to use different things that would normally be thrown out. However, I do think it’s important that the things you do keep are useful to you and don’t just sit around.

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