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Off the Table?

Are there aspects of your daily life that you know contribute to your carbon footprint but you are unwilling to compromise to change them? In other words, what about your life is “off the table” when it comes to carbon emissions? It's OK to admit it- we all have these cherished behaviors!

Off the Table? >

off the table


I think that for me I use a lot of materials like paper or plastic for school. I think that it does have a significant impact on my carbon footprint but I don't think I can make any drastic changes to this aspect because I need these tools for school.  I still do believe though that schools( and myself) can find better ways at managing the amount of waste we use. This could mean using double sided paper, creating school events that don't require using a lot of disposable materials and generally taking better care of textbooks and gym equipment so that they last longer.

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