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Off the Table?

Are there aspects of your daily life that you know contribute to your carbon footprint but you are unwilling to compromise to change them? In other words, what about your life is “off the table” when it comes to carbon emissions? It's OK to admit it- we all have these cherished behaviors!

Off the Table? >

Off the Table


one thing I just can't change is buying electronics. my family rarely buys electronics but when we do its if our current ones don't work anymore. but for in the environmentalist spheres it feels as if the community turns down their nose at people who cannot let go of technology. it feels like I'm a bad activist if I still buy electronics or eat meat.
I know that the vast majority of studies point to plant based diets as the solution but personally I am from a majority indigenous family that has hunting and using animals as a cornerstone of our teachings and culture. I feel as if the documentaries and filmmaker view these problems from western, white perspective.

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