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Now It's Time for Action!

All of you have calculated your emissions and you have surely discovered the unexpectedly high impact of some of your behaviors (eating meat, flying to a sunny destination, etc.) on your total footprints.

Are there any behaviors that you are really willing to change or to improve for the sake of the environment? What challenges do you encounter or think you will encounter while trying to change these things? What help, support, and insights from others would make your life easier with these new behaviors?

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Choosing a sustainable diet

Gaia Alberti

It's important to choose a sustainable diet, trying to reduce the consumption of carbon dioxide, water waste and the release of chemicals into the environment.


I agree! Choosing to have a much more sustainable diet, by eating more organic, local, and eliminating meat from your diet, can reduce many carbon emissions. I think that this is definitely something people should more deeply consider. Even if you don’t completely eliminate meat from your diet, try eating vegetarian a few times a week. Small changes like this in your diet can have huge environmental benefits. I also think food waste is another thing to consider, as a teenager in a public school that composts, we produce such large amounts of food waste. Knowing that many schools do not compost, composting is definitely another thing that people can do and should consider doing in their homes. Water waste, can be improved by simply taking shorter showers, and stopping the water when you don’t need it. These will all have very large benefits to our environment, especially if many people can adapt to such easy changes.


I agree! I am almost 100% vegetarian (I occasionally eat fish). The food i eat is organic and mostly local. This helps because there are no pesticides and because it is local there is less CO2 emitted from transportation of the food. It is good to know where your food comes from!


Try meet alternatives such as impossible or beyond beef burgers.


I agree! I feel like people don’t really think about the foods they eat making an impact on there carbon footprint, but there are definitely ways that people can change their diet to be more sustainable. One way to do that is to not waste as much food/ try to reduce the amount of food you waste. My school is both good and bad at this, while we do mage to compost are food waste which is a really sustainable way to take care of any leftovers, my school dose a really poor job of the amount of waste we create at that really adds up. Being mindful of the portions that you take can really help, and take only what you actually need to Create less waste. Also, as i said earlier, another really good solution can be composting your leftovers, so instead of it all going into a landfill its helping the earth.

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