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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

Reuse & Repurpose


You frequently receive plastic bags with your purchases, and once you're done with them, you just toss them in the trash. To reduce waste, you should reuse things rather than tossing them away. They can also be used for numerous other purposes, such as if you need to bring a project to school you can put them in there, or reuse them when going shopping. Consider whether anything can be used for something else first before throwing it away. When we have plastic bags to store our food for lunch like crackers or celery, instead of every single day you use 5 new plastic bags and throw them out, instead you can reuse them. This can have a significant impact on our plastic usage and might be able to gradually impact our world for the better.


This is so true. Plastic bags are extremely harmful to the environment. The World Counts writes that "an estimated 300 million plastic bags every year end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone"(https://www.theworldcounts.com). With so much plastic ending up in our oceans, many different species are being affected by mankind's habits of creating and wasting plastic. If we each individually can do our part by reusing plastic bags or bring our own reusable bag, we can help make a positive impact on our environment.


Yes, I agree that plastic bags are detrimental to the environment. Plastic bags are usually not biodegradable, however, over time the plastic breaks down into toxic polymers that contaminate water and soil. These particles stay in the water or soil, continuing to release toxins for many years. Also, to produce plastic bags, a lot of fossil fuels are burned, adding greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. As you said, this is exactly why it is so important to reuse plastic bags, so more don't need to be produced. Plastic bags that end up in streams can also block water flow, which results in flooding. They also end up in our oceans. Animals end up eating the plastic. A recent study found that 50 percent of sea turtles had plastic in their stomachs. An alarming number of animals are dying every year from eating plastic.
https://lochtree.com/blogs/blog/environ … astic-bags

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