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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

The importance of recycling.


Recycling is something that we should all do to help keep the environment clean and safer.  There are many videos and photos I'm sure you’ve seen that show the absurd amounts of trash in rivers/oceans/lakes.  If we all just recycle and clean our environment would be clean and safe not just for us but future generations.

Audrey Pearl

Though i do agree that recycling is extremely important. It is also important to bring the facts to light. In 2021, only 5-6% of plastic produced was recycled and the rest is all thrown away. If we implement laws and rules to better enforce recycling there could be bigger change. Another way to combat plastic pollution is changing the packaging that is being used. There is already so much plastic out there, so we dont need anymore. Reusing the plastic and finding substitutes for plastic are the steps we need to take. Also, many people who do recycle, dont know where all the plastic goes. They put it in the bin, take it to the dump, and then where? I think if we properly educate people on recycling it will encourage people to do it more.


I completely agree, more recycling will be an overall better out look on the world because of how much waste there is in the world. Aldo us picking up after ourselves will reduce the waste that gets littered in the ocean or in the streets causing it to be a safer environment.


All of these responses are great! I am a firm believer in that recycling can make and has started to make a big impact on our earth. There hasn’t been a great amount of enforcement when it comes to making laws and having regulations. If we recycle more our climate and our planet will become healthier as time goes on. It is crucial to recycle and reuse so we don’t constantly waste important goods and be able to repurpose so we have less unnecessary product floating around.


I agree with recycling being a big importance and it impacting our earth greatly. Everyone knows of recycling but many still don’t participate in it. If we can get more people to see how important it is than I think it could help the earth even just a little bit. Recycling makes out environment safer from litter and toxins.

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