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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

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The Benefits of Thrifting


Thrifting can be very beneficial to lowering your carbon footprint for these reasons
1. Everything is way cheaper
2. Doesn't require anymore energy to make
3. You can find really cute stuff there[vintage, high value(for low cost),name brands]
4. Really good for basic items
5. Cheap sports equipment


Thrifting is amazing on so many levels. Clothing uses a lot of materials and produces a lot of chemicals in the process of being made. By thrifting, you’re cutting down the amount of emissions and resources it takes to make clothing. By recycling someone else’s clothing, you’re also taking away an item which could’ve ended up in the landfill. The items in a thrift store haven’t been imported in and it’s usually locals donating their clothing which means less pollution is getting emitted from vehicles. Depending on the thrift store you go to some of them donate their money to charities. It is usually a lot cheaper shopping at thrift stores than buying items brand new.


I 100% agree about thrifting. I get a lot of my clothes from my local good will and it is a lot cheaper than getting it new. Thrifting and donating to thrift stores helps everyone.(Including the environment) The donaters are happy because they got rid of their stuff that they do not need, GoodWill can hire more people and create jobs, the thrifter is happy because they got clothes for cheap and the environment is happy because more  GHG emissions were not put into the atmosphere to make new clothes. Everyone should at least do some thrifting.


I agree that thrifting is a great way to lessen carbon from damaging our planet. Think of it, the more we thrift clothes that are secondhand or even thirdhand can reduce the waste of producing large amounts of new product(clothing) every year. Plus on the bright side thrifting is a lot cheaper than buying new. When new clothing is made in factories it comes with a risk of chemicals being transmitted. It also helps to know when you thrift clothing, a large amount of it will be local. Some people can be concerned (for good reasons) where the product is coming from and who is making it. Overall, I think thrifting is a great idea for the planet and preventing less carbon emissions.

Flynn Layton

I agree. Thrifting is a good idea in so many different ways. By getting clothes secondhand, you are also preventing them from ending up in a landfill, saving energy and resources used to make new clothes and transport them, and supporting a non-profit organization, all while you save money. Sometimes, it can be hard to find things you like, which is your size while thrifting, but overall, it is worth it if you are saving the environment and your bank account.


I strongly agree, that thrifting is an amazing way to give clothes a second life! by purchasing secondhand clothes you are keeping them from ending up in a landfill and saving energy and resources. now that thrifting is easier than ever to do, heck you can even thrift online! there is really no excuse to be purchasing new clothes.


The benefits of thrifting are outstanding. There is no need to purchase everything new when it can produce more carbon and dirty water. Did you know it takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans. And to get that pain of jeans from the factory and around the world through a load of different stores it will produce about 33.4 kilograms of carbon. Think if you went to a thrift store you could find the perfect clothing that you were even looking for. You can also use thrifted clothes to make something unique and new that no one else has.


Thrifting is a great way to let clothes live to their fullest potential. Thrifting is a great way to prevent the inevitable. Your clothes anting up in a landfill.

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