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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

Reuse & Repurpose


It's good to reuse things and repurpose them. Although not all things can be reused/repurposed, there are still many other ways to reduce carbon. Some example are buying a reusable water bottle rather then buying single use plastic ones, instead of buying a paper or plastic bag at the store, bring your own reusable bag, deonate your old clothes or buy someone else's clothes(thrifting). You can repurpose your old clothes or even change up some of the new clothes that you thrift. All of these are examples of ways we can reuse and repurpose things to prevent more waste in our environment.


I agree with this statement. Reusing and repurposing makes a huge difference in the environment and your carbon footprint. I agree that some things cannot be reused, like for example light bulbs. But there are so many things that can be reused for instance, clothes, plastic bags, plastic water bottles, bins, boxes, and so much more. Another action you can do is repurposing, you can donate clothes and shoes to thrift shops, or to families in need. I feel as though people should know the distinction between a want and a need. There are many things that people want in the world, an example would be new clothes that are trending, or the latest iPhone. But these things are not a need. I agree with the fact that phones are good to have and most people communicate through them and use them in their everyday lives. But you don't always need the new edition of a phone. The same also goes for new trendy clothes, many people buy clothes because they are trending online at the time. But overall reusing and repurposing clothes is a lot better for the environment.

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