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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

Reuse & Repurpose

Chantel Chiu

I think we should reuse or repurpose things. It is extremely important to reuse because then we wouldn't be producing too many waste, which can help save earth. Even though somethings may not be reused or repurposed, it is best to reuse things that can be. From now on I will try and bring reusable bags instead of using plastic bags, and also try to recycle things.

Qbi Wang

I agree with this method and it is probably the easiest way to reduce carbon footprint.


I agree. We might not be able to eliminate carbon footprint completely, but we can start with what we CAN do to help. Remember, small things build up to great things.


I agree with the fact that reusing items, especially bags as they are a huge cause for issues in different environments. However, you can also find ways to reuse plastic bags instead of completely discarding and disregarding them. Plastic bags from the grocery store can be used as a substitute for garbage bags for smaller garbage cans. An example would be personal garbage in rooms of homes. There are other ways you can repurpose plastic baggies. They can be used for cleaning up the waste of pets. Many people, including myself, use plastic bags to clean up after our litterbox for the cats. This ends up benefiting everyone involved. By repurposing the bags, we lessen the amount of materials used to make more products; which in turn saves energy on the company side. Repurposing other materials like cardboard boxes, glasses, and other types of plastic also produces the same result. It reduces the amount of waste produced and in return, gives environments better rates of survival and the animals in it.

https://www.ibanet.org/article/76F8D2A9 … 0blockages

https://natran.com/how-to-repurpose-eve … -doing-so/

https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Recycli … 0in%20bulk

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