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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

Consumer choices


The choices made by consumers play a significant role in determining the demands in goods and services. While reusing and repurposing can extend the lifespan of products instead of simply discarding them. Therefore, we should always be conscious of the products we consume and how we dispose them.

Furthermore, We can also repair old furnitures instead of tossing them away. In addition, instead of buying new bags every time when you go shopping, why not just bring reusable ones? When we buy clothes and new gadgets, we all know that it sometimes just ends up being thrown away, and these things can severely pollute our environment.

More importantly, reusing and repurposing items instead of buying new ones constantly not only reduces carbon emissions, but can also conserve valuable natural resources such as, water, energy, and raw materials, as making new products also require a lot of precious resources and energy. These contribute to pollutions and carbon emissions.

Let's all be wise consumers and think twice before consuming a product in order to protect our environment!


I agree with you. Even though my purchases for my carbon footprint were only in the 700s because I do not buy the newest things and I make sure to buy used clothes because I don't want the newest things. I feel that most people do buy things that they think they need or that they have to have that hurt the environment in reality they don't need them at all. I think that reducing your overall carbon footprint is a great thing by lowering the things you buy and only going somewhere when you absolutely have to. I will start to lower my carbon emission levels by lowering my transportation around the country. I also can stop buying so much food that I do not need. I don't throw it out but it sits there on my shelf forever and ever and sometimes it does go bad and I have to throw it out. I think that to get consumers to buy less things that are not reusable or low carbon emission products, we should advertise less things that have a high carbon emission. According to this article https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/ … te-change/ americans produce 25 percent more carbon levels on thanksgiving day and christmas than any other day in the world. This article also states. That when basic needs are met then consumers tend to buy more and more things for social status. They want to reach a higher level of social status depending on what percent of the population they are in. According to this article another fact is that a study done by the United Nations states that the top 1 percent of the world produce more than half of the CO2 levels than the bottom 50 percent of the population because of their purchases and needs in life. I agree with your final point that using renewable materials. Drastically decreases the carbon emission levels. But it also reduces the use of finite resources. And improves the overall quality of things like minerals, oil, and many other materials used in things around the world.

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