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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

Reuse & Repurpose >

The best ways to Reuse & Repurpose.

Ethan H. USA.

One of the biggest causes for carbon emissions and the slow deterioration of the environment is the amount of waste and trash that people don’t properly take care of. There are many ways we can improve this bad habit however. Increasing recycling is a very important thing that everyone should take part in and could greatly benefit the environment, but not everything is recyclable. Only about 5% to 6% of plastic is recycled in the U.S. each year. The reason behind this would be due to the fact there is simply too much plastic and different varieties of it.

Recycling is not the only way to reduce this issue. There are many other methods that more people should use today, and I think it would be a benefit to everyone if it happened. The main way is through the reuse and repurposing of our items. If we can move into a world where the materials we use can last a long time and not just be thrown away after one use it will already be a step in the right direction. Repurposing glass, plastic, and cardboard containers, giving them new life is just one small thing more should do. Instead of using the plastic bags that supermarkets provide to you, bring your own reusable shopping bag that you can bring with you anywhere you go. Instead of purchasing new wrapping paper and packaging for gifts each year, hold on to them and reuse those for the next year.

It goes far beyond just containers and packaging that can be reused or repurposed. If you have old clothes you no longer need or have grown out of, don’t just let it go to waste or discard it. Donate these items to charities or people in need. The same applies for food, only buy what you need and give the rest away that you don’t need. There is not a worse feeling than opening your pantry or fridge and finding out that half the stuff is expired.

Another big factor for pollution is that more people could reduce or limit their use of disposable cutlery and crockery for parties. If you have a party at a house then there is most likely real cutlery and crockery. There is no harm in using these things, it might just take a little extra work once the parties are over. The final thing I want to touch on is batteries; these are often thrown away and not properly disposed of once they are fully used. Luckily for us there is an alternative, as rechargeable batteries are a thing. These are items you only have to buy once and can use over and over again. Sure, the lifespan might not be as long, but it will for sure benefit the environment and greatly help to reduce carbon emissions.


https://www.recyclenow.com/how-to-recyc … duce-waste
https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/ … g-america/
https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/09 … -pollution

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