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Food & Hunger

What did you learn about dietary choices from using the footprint calculator? Now imagine that you could translate what you learned into an effective societal policy on food- what would it be? And how would this policy effect the need to alleviate world hunger?

925 million people on earth do not have enough to eat according to the FAO [Food and Agricultural Organization]. That's almost 1 in 7 inhabitants of our planet!

Food & Hunger >

Food and Hunger


Youth and adolescents are reaching adulthood against a backdrop of unequal and unsustainable food systems. These systems are failing to deliver food and nutrition security and are highly vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation. Despite this, the number of young people participating in the decisions that will affect their futures is limited. The pursuit of food sovereignty, the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods is an opportunity for the younger generations to transform failing food systems into systems that are more sustainable, and able to meet the needs of the world. It’s critical to invest in young people’s capacities to become leaders in food systems transformation. This means investing in their education and skills development, as well as their health and nutrition. Current food systems policies and investments are failing to address the intergenerational cycle of hunger in many parts of the world. Solutions must embrace a long-term perspective beyond 2030 and reflect young people’s livelihoods, options, and choices.The right to food must be central to food systems policies, programs, and governance processes, and people must be able to realize their right to food in ways that are socially, culturally, and ecologically appropriate for their own local context. 30% of children under the age of 5 are suffering acute malnutrition. The world produces enough food to feed all of its 8 billion people, yet 828 million people go hungry every day. Of those 828 million, the World Food Program estimates that over 40% are facing acute levels of hunger. The amount of people is insane. The races that are hurt by this the most are Black (22.4 percent) and Latinx (20.8 percent) households are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity, with food insecurity rates more than double the rate of White non-Latinx households (9.3 percent). Children 1 in 8 lived in poverty in 2022.Wasting food is a huge problem in the United states. Millions of people waste food each day. It is hard to realize when you actually do have food to eat everyday that some people don't. According to the 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition World report, between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger in 2022. Hunger has been increasing by millions each year. Want to know something absolutely crazy? World hunger may never end. Given the current pace of progress, reaching Zero Hunger by 2030 is a likely impossibility. In fact, 58 countries won’t even reach Low hunger levels by then

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