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Food & Hunger

What did you learn about dietary choices from using the footprint calculator? Now imagine that you could translate what you learned into an effective societal policy on food- what would it be? And how would this policy effect the need to alleviate world hunger?

925 million people on earth do not have enough to eat according to the FAO [Food and Agricultural Organization]. That's almost 1 in 7 inhabitants of our planet!

Food & Hunger >

Waste of food in italy and the world


Food waste is a serious problem both in Italy and in the world. Every year, about a third of the food produced globally is wasted, resulting in an economic loss of about 700 billion dollars. In Italy, this translates into a loss of about 9 billion euros per year. The main sources of waste are households , restaurants , supermarkets and production. The main reason for household waste includes forgotten food in the refrigerator. Even though Italy is not among the countries with the highest waste rate, it still represents a significant challenge. The UN has included reducing food waste in its 2030 Agenda, with the goal of halving it within the next 7 years. This will require a global effort to change consumption habits and reduce food waste at all levels of the supply chain.


While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.


Sorry i missclicked while creating my account i am actually from Italy.

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.


I'm not sure about in Italy, but in the US people try to promote composting our food scraps to try and be more sustainable about our waste. If our organic waste is properly composted it can actually really benefit our environment. According to the UN Environment Program it can help recover soils fertility, reduce the dependance on chemical fertilizers, improve water retention, and more.  We could use this composted fertilizer to grow more food so the amount of unnecessary waste is reduced. Food waste and loss contribute a good number to global greenhouse gasses as well(about 8-10%) so by composting this waste instead of just throwing it away we could help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change. I agree that wasting food is unfair and sometimes it's an honest mistake like food forgotten in the fridge, but even that forgotten food (even if it's gone bad) can still be used to help our environment.


Promoting composting is a vital step towards global sustainability, as it diverts organic waste from landfills and transforms it into nutrient-rich compost. As emphasized by the UN Environment Program, this process not only enhances soil fertility and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers but also improves water retention in soils, crucial for agricultural productivity. Also, composting mitigates greenhouse gas emissions by preventing organic waste from decomposing anaerobically in landfills, thereby addressing a significant source of methane emissions. Even unintentional food waste can be repurposed through composting, highlighting the value of this practice in turning what might have been perceived as a loss into a valuable resource for the environment. https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/res … composting

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