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Now It's Time for Action!

All of you have calculated your emissions and you have surely discovered the unexpectedly high impact of some of your behaviors (eating meat, flying to a sunny destination, etc.) on your total footprints.

Are there any behaviors that you are really willing to change or to improve for the sake of the environment? What challenges do you encounter or think you will encounter while trying to change these things? What help, support, and insights from others would make your life easier with these new behaviors?

Let's discuss these issues and make our pledges here!

Now It's Time for Action >

Cut Back On The Dairy


I know that everyone likes ice cream, milk, Mac n' Cheese, and just cheese in general--- but have you ever thought about how it affects the climate? Cows--- the source of all our dairy--- release methane, a global-warming inducing chemical, through their digestive system.(As in, when they b*rp or far*...) Personally, I am the only dairy eater in a lactose-intolerant family, but I still feel that we could cut back on the dairy so that farms don't breed cows so much, and so (Hopefully) the amount of methane going into the atmosphere will reduce. (Lactose-free ice cream is good, people!) This is just a thought, but personally, I will try to cut back on the dairy. A pebble in the ocean still creates a ripple! Thanks for hearing me out, and if anyone has any other ideas that don't involve giving up cheese for the sake of the world and reducing methane, I'm all ears!

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