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Home Grown

How much does eating locally-produced food help the climate problem? What are the other potential environmental and social benefits of eating locally-grown/produced food? Do you have a food garden in your school or at home? If not, do you want one?

Home Grown >

Eating Locally


Eating local produce can help decrease the climate because the distance of transportation will be smaller. When trucks transport food from different areas, the emit many harmful gasses into the atmosphere; this further leads to the warming of our planet. However, when switching to local produce, transportation is cut down immensely! Eating home grown food right from  your neighborhood can bring together a community as they all work together to improve the environment. My school has a garden in which they grow all the fruits and vegetables used for our lunch!


I agree that eating locally can decrease carbon emissions, but to make a garden sustainable, we have to keep an organic garden that does not use any pesticides or harmful chemicals. The problem with eating locally is the vegetables at farmer's market is more expensive than vegetables from supermarkets. I think the reason is that there are too little people keeping an organic garden locally and Americans do not shop every day for fresh produce and so the farmer's market only opens once a week. If it opens every day and people's shopping habits change, the price, I believe, would be more affordable and more people are likely to support locally grown food.


Eating locally would be beneficial to our environment, however, research has shown that transportation accounts for only 10% of the energy used in the production of crops and accounts for 4% of the greenhouse gas emissions made by the American diet. Instead of eating locally, we could look at a different alternative: eating food that is grown responsibly. By supporting farmers that are growing their food in a responsible manner we can have a much greater impact on the effect of food production.

Eating locally can also sometimes be much more expensive and not all people can afford this type of food. On the topic of homegrown food, eating homegrown food may not be an option for all people. Some people live in large cities where there is no room for a small garden to produce their own food.

From the research I have done I believe that eating responsibly is the best way to decrease the impact of food production on the Earth.


Eating local produce is beneficial to our environment in some ways such as that it helps support farmers that grow the food both financially and encourages them to grow more. Like others have said, eating locally is not always possible due to the lack of space. To most people, buying vegetables and fruits at supermarkets are much more convenient and less expensive then organic food that tend to have higher and more expensive prices. Also, most people believe that the fruits and vegetables you buy at the store contributes to your health the same way locally grown food does. As other comments previously said, trucks that usually transport food do not emit that much energy as other things we do.

I agree that growing your own food is beneficial to the environment  but most people do not have the time to take care of the garden. Maybe growing like a few fruits and vegetables in your backyard is possible and you can incorporate that into your meal.
Through my experie nce and research, I believe that eating locally grown food could help benefit the environment in many ways but it is hard to incorporate the process into everyday life.


I believe that if everyone ate locally grown food, that would be very helpful for the environment. Locally grown food gives us a chance to control the amount of food waste around the world. When I was a toddler, I can remember my brother and I not wanting to eat the vegetables that my mother had prepared for us, but I had to, because my parents did not want us to waste any food. Almost half the amount of food in the United States is not even consumed; it is being wasted and thrown into landfills. Food waste is a big producer of methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Methane is damaging to the environment, and can be found in landfills and transportation vehicles such as cars. The amount of food waste is staggering, but a solution to that could be choosing to eat locally grown foods. Food that is grown locally can help farmers keep track of the number of products being grown so that none of it is wasted.
I do see the appeal to a supermarket rather than a farmer's market. The prices can vary extremely, and some people just can't afford to have locally grown food every day  of the week. So what can we do to solve this dilemma? From my research, and the information from previous posts, I agree that eating responsibly is, for now, the best solution that won't cost people extreme amounts of money, and will actually play a factor in helping to save the environment. Instead of buying food that you know is never going to be eaten, save money, time, and most importantly the environment by choosing to not walk out of the store with unnecessary food just to turn around and throw it away.

The following sites are extremely helpful and very informative on food waste and ways to help save the environment from it:



Eating locally does help our environment and is very beneficial. A few reasons would be locally grown foods tastes better and are good for your health, it reduces global warming, and helps the economy. If we are to eat locally grown food then it is more fresh, nutritious, and tastier than the processed food that is shipped from various parts of the world. When buying locally grown food we are eliminating the need for transportation which helps to reduce global warming. The farmers who sell their locally grown food “receive the full retail value, a dollar for each food dollar spent” says Ikerd. There are more reasons as to why eating locally grown food is beneficial for the environment and I hope that people take the option to purchase food that is grown locally.

Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/eating-locall … nt-1203948

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