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Now It's Time for Action!

All of you have calculated your emissions and you have surely discovered the unexpectedly high impact of some of your behaviors (eating meat, flying to a sunny destination, etc.) on your total footprints.

Are there any behaviors that you are really willing to change or to improve for the sake of the environment? What challenges do you encounter or think you will encounter while trying to change these things? What help, support, and insights from others would make your life easier with these new behaviors?

Let's discuss these issues and make our pledges here!

Now It's Time for Action >

How you can lower your carbon footprint through transportation


there are many ways in which you can lower your carbon footprint through transportation one way is to carpool when going somewhere with a group of friends or even use public transportation, another way to lower your footprint is to buy an electric car this is one of the best ways to lower your carbon footprint while still using a car. another way that you can lower your carbon footprint is to bike or walk to places that are near to you. cars are the main contributor to the U.S' carbon emissions making up nearly 30% so using these techniques when traveling will help the planet greatly.


I agree. This school year has been very different for most people including me, so I was not able to take the bus. Instead I carpooled with 3 other people. By carpooling we are lowering vehicle emissions which has a very positive effect on the environment. Even though public transportation still contributes to greenhouse gases, it is a more responsible way to travel if you cannot bike or walk.

Sources: https://www.nsa.gov/News-Features/Initi … 0of%20smog.

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