Many students chose to take psychology at some time in their
career at the
University of Washington. Our approach is to integrate two learning
goals. First, to help with learning the content of specific
courses. Second, to offer learning and study tools such as test-taking
study tips, note taking, time management, and speed reading.
Our ultimate
goal is to help you become an independent life-long learner.
The Psychology Area focuses on offering help in the first and
second year
courses. We also offer selected help in other courses, depending
student demand.
The Psychology Area offers drop-in tutoring and workshops in
the following
Psychology 101, 102, 202, 203, 209, 210
Other psychology courses that we have offered help with include:
Psychology 200, 206, 215, 217, 218, 245, 303, 305, 306, 345,
400, 403
Expectations of Students:
- Attend all lectures
- Attend sections
- Attend office hours
- Read the textbook
- Seek assistance before the last minute
Useful Website links: