Office Support
 TJ Carreon |
We welcome you to the academic arm of the Office of Minority
Affairs and Diversity (OMA&D), the
Instructional Center (IC), which serves any students that are
affiliates of the OMA&D. Our commitment is to assist students
in getting the academic assistance they need in a positive
and efficient manner. The front desk is where students request
to use the Center for tutoring, other instruction, or computer
lab usage.
All students
using the Instructional Center must have an Husky Card, which is issued by the University of Washington. Non-OMA&D
students will be allowed to use the IC upon approval of their Referral
non-OMA&D students come to the IC , they will first visit the
Front Desk to register. In order for students to be properly
registered, they must turn in a Referral Form to the front
desk. Once the student has completely filled in the form, final acceptance of the request for tutorial
help will be at the director's discretion based on various criteria, space availability being
just one example.
TJ Carreon