Kenneth Sherr, PhD, MPH, is a Professor in the Department of Global Health and the co-director of the PhD in Global Health Metrics and Evaluation. Dr. Sherr’s research focuses on developing and testing implementation strategies to support data-driven decision making and service integration into the Primary Health Care framework as a means of increasing the coverage and quality of evidence-based interventions. Dr. Sherr has led the development of implementation science training curricula at the University of Washington Department of Global Health, including the development of the PhD program in implementation science in 2012, and directs the Implementation Science Core of the NIH-supported UW/FH Center for AIDS Research. Dr. Sherr’s contributions to the field of implementation include development of the implementation strategy Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach (SAIA).

Directors from previous years:

Bryan Weiner, PhD, is a Professor jointly in the Departments of Global Health and Health Systems and Population Health, and the Director of the Implementation Science Program. Dr. Weiner’s research focuses on the adoption, implementation, and sustainability of innovations and evidence-based practices in health care delivery and other organizational settings. He has studied a wide range of innovations including quality improvement practices, care management practices, patient safety practices, clinical information systems, collaborative service delivery models, cancer prevention and control in communities, and evidence-based diabetes practices. His research has advanced implementation science by creating new knowledge about the organizational determinants of effective implementation, introducing and developing new theories, and improving the state of measurement in the field.