Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

Timber Strike of 1935: Timeline and News Coverage

by Steven Beda

In 1935, over 30,000 timber workers laid down their tools and walked away from their mills in an effort to gain a wage increase, shorter work week, and union recognition, shuttingdown every major logging and milling operation from Eureka, California to Bellingham, Washington. This strike had consequences that went far beyond the timber industry. Read more about the strike here.

Below is a detailed timeline of events. Following that is a database of nearly 400 digitized and readable newspaper articles about the strike that appeared in Washington State newspapers between January and September 1935. Click the links to read the articles.


The Timber Workers' Strike of 1935: Anti-Labor Bias in The Seattle Star, by Kristin Ebeling

Harold Pritchett: Communism & the International Woodworkers of America by Timothy Kilgren

Timber Worker (1936-1942) newspaper report by Geraldine Carroll and Michael Moe

International Woodworker (1942-1987) newspaper report by Bryan Schnase

Timeline of events

September 1929

The Communist Party’s Trade Union Unity League establishes the National Lumber Workers Union (NLWU) in the Pacific Northwest. The NLWU offers workers a radical alternative to the conservativism of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and company unionism of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen (4L)

July 1933

The AFL establishes the Northwest Council of the Sawmill and Timber Workers Union (STWU).

August 19, 1933

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt enacts the National Recovery Administration (NRA) Lumber Code. In addition to setting prices on lumber products, the code mandates a forty-hour work week and 42 ½ cents/hour minimum wage in the west.

[read full report/ close report]


News Coverage of the Strike

Date Newspaper Title
14-Dec-34 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
31-Dec-34 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
1-Jan-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
11-Jan-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
18-Jan-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
18-Jan-35 Voice of Action "Workers See Flaw in Company Union"
25-Jan-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
9-Mar-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
15-Mar-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
22-Mar-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
29-Mar-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
5-Apr-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
18-Apr-35 Tacoma News Tribune "N.W. Lumber Strike Step Nearer"
19-Apr-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "A.W. Muir and Other Labor Leaders Address Great Meeting of Workers"
19-Apr-35 Voice of Action "Farmers Plan to Aid May 6 Lumber Strike"
19-Apr-35 Voice of Action "West Coast Lumbermen's Association Opens Fire on Maritime Unions"
19-Apr-35 Voice of Action "Special News for the Lumber Workers"
19-Apr-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Peril Is Waning In Northwest"
20-Apr-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mark Time In Sawmill Strike"
26-Apr-35 Voice of Action "Unity Parley Sentiment For Strike Action Despite Muir" [Part 1 of 2]
26-Apr-35 Voice of Action "More about the Lumber Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
26-Apr-35 Voice of Action "Prepare for May 6 Lumber Strike"
27-Apr-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Trade Expands Due To Strike Fears"
28-Apr-35 Seattle PI "Labor Leaders Hope for Peaceful Settlement as Timber Strike Nears"
29-Apr-35 Seattle PI "Timber Strike Threat Fades; Zero Hour Set"
29-Apr-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Declares Strike Talk Unjustified"
30-Apr-35 Seattle PI "Timber Strike Peace Looms"
30-Apr-35 Tacoma News Tribune "4-L Wage Board Urges Increase"
2-May-35 Seattle PI "More Sawmill Men Quit As Strike Nears"
3-May-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Workers, Strike!"
3-May-35 Voice of Action "Bureaucrats At Longview Parley Try To Spike Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
3-May-35 Voice of Action "More Lumber Strike News" [Part 2 of 2]
3-May-35 Voice of Action "Aberdeen Mill Locks Out 225"
3-May-35 Voice of Action "The Lumber Strike"
3-May-35 Seattle PI "Lumbermen Hold Parleys"
3-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Olympia Lumber Mill Workers On Strike"
4-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Strike Is Called Monday"
5-May-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Mill Owners Fear General Tieup"
6-May-35 Seattle PI "Leaders Hope They'll Avert Timber Strike"
6-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "13 Mills Down In Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
6-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "13 Mills Close Down In Big Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
7-May-35 Seattle PI "Many Mills Close After 15,000 Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
7-May-35 Seattle PI "15,000 Millmen Out" [Part 2 of 2]
7-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "One Plant Opens As 2 Close" [Part 1 of 2]
7-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "One Tacoma Mill Opens As Two Close" [Part 2 of 2]
8-May-35 Seattle PI "Seattle Sawmill Tieup Looms Today as Strike Grows" [Part 1 of 2]
8-May-35 Seattle PI "17,000 Idle In Mill Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
8-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "3 Plants Open And 2 Close" [Part 1 of 2]
8-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "3 Plants Open And 2 Close" [Part 2 of 2]
9-May-35 Seattle PI "Strike Paralyzes Lumber Industry in Northwest; 11 Seattle Mills Closed" [Part 1 of 2]
9-May-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Spread Closes 11 Mills Here" [Part 2 of 2]
9-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "1,300 More Walk Out On Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
9-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "1,300 More Out On Strike Here" [Part 2 of 2]
10-May-35 WA State Labor News "Sawmill Workers Backed in Strike"
10-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Thousands On Lumber Strike"
10-May-35 Voice of Action "30,000 Out As Lumber Strike Spreads!" [Part 1 of 2]
10-May-35 Voice of Action "Further Details of Lumber Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
10-May-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Strike Decision of Recent Maritime Federation Convention"
10-May-35 Voice of Action "Farmers' League Pledges Support Lumber Strike"
10-May-35 Voice of Action "Unemployed Will Picket In Support of Lumber Strike"
10-May-35 Voice of Action "Notes on the Lumber Strike Situation In Linnton, Ore."
10-May-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Workers Vote To Strike; Told They Can't--Muir's 'Negotiating'"
10-May-35 Seattle PI "Workers Will Vote on Proposed Pact Tomorrow" [Part 1 of 2]
10-May-35 Seattle PI "12 Seattle Mills Closed By Walkout" [Part 2 of 2]
10-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Longview Workers Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
10-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Longview Lumber Workers Go On Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
11-May-35 Seattle PI "Mill Walkout Grows; 26,000 Men On Strike"
11-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Has N.W. Mills Paralyzed" [Part 1 of 2]
11-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Has N.W. Mills Paralyzed" [Part 2 of 2]
12-May-35 Seattle PI "Timber Union Votes Down Compromise"
13-May-35 Seattle PI "Hope for Lumber Strike Peace Fades as Longview Parley Breaks Up"
13-May-35 Seattle PI "Northwest Crisis: Timber Strike Involves Terrific Loss, Declares Lumberman"
14-May-35 Voice of Action "Longview Workers Reject Muir Sell-Out Agreement, Walk Out; Strike Spreading"
14-May-35 Voice of Action "Keep the Strike Ranks Solid; Reject Separate Agreement"
14-May-35 Voice of Action "Vigilante Advisor of Olympia Strike Body Runs Unionist out of Town"
14-May-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Paralysis Hits Box Factories"
14-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Opens Mart For B.C. Shingles"
15-May-35 Seattle PI "Seattle's Relief Situation Faces Major Crisis Due to Lumber Walkout"
15-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Workers Urge Tariff Increase" [Part 1 of 2]
15-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Workers Urge Tariff Increase" [Part 2 of 2]
16-May-35 Seattle PI "Timber Strike Continues To Blanket Area"
16-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Situation Here Virtually Unchanged"
17-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Hundreds More Go Out and Strike Spreads To Other Mills and Camps"
17-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "The Strike of the Sawmill and Timber Workers"
17-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "The Lumber Strike"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "Ask B.C. Lumber Workers To Join Strike!"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "Longview Out as Workers Reject Muir 'Peace' Plan 8-1; 40,000 Now on Strike"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "Portland Labor Rallies Behind Lumber Strike"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "UCL Formally Recognized by Lumber Union; Will Picket Voucher Stations"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "Survey Shows How Profits Soar, Wages, Employment Drop in Lumber Industry"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "Living Standards of Lumber Workers Low"
17-May-35 Voice of Action "To Longshoremen and Seamen"
17-May-35 Seattle PI "All Lumber On Workers' 'Unfair' List"
17-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "N.W. Lumber Cut Off 52 Per Cent"
18-May-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Causes Huge Loss In Output"
20-May-35 Seattle PI "Big Puyallup Spruce Mill To Reopen Today"
20-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Big Mills Come To Terms" [Part 1 of 2]
20-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Big Mills Come To Terms With Strikers" [Part 2 of 2]
21-May-35 Seattle PI "Hopes for Early Settlement of Strike Shattered as Lumber Plant Closes"
21-May-35 Seattle PI "Wage and Hour Survey Made By Lumbermen"
21-May-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Business Diverted to Canada"
21-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Puyallup Box Mill Starts" [Part 1 of 2]
21-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Puyallup Plant Starts Making Boxes" [Part 2 of 2]
22-May-35 Seattle PI "Timber Union Leaders Split Over Policy"
22-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strikers Split By Rows" [Part 1 of 2]
22-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strikers Split By Question Of Jurisdiction" [Part 2 of 2]
23-May-35 Seattle PI "Aid Sought To Rout Lumber Mill Pickets"
23-May-35 Seattle PI "Mill Strikers Swell State's Relief Rolls"
23-May-35 Seattle PI "Strike Parley At Puyallup"
23-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Ready To Call Out Troops" [Part 1 of 2]
23-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Guardsmen Held Ready In Oregon" [Part 2 of 2]
24-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Strike Proceeds" [Part 1 of 2]
24-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Strike Proceeds" [Part 2 of 2]
24-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "The Strike and the Public"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Bare Secret Plans of Committee of 500 To Terrorize Lumber Strikers, Unions!"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Resist Muir's Attempt To Split Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Latest News on Lumber Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Strikers In Portland Are Denied Relief"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "STWU Heads Fight Move For Rank and File Strike Group"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Wages, Conditions In Soviet Lumber Industry Much Better Than In U.S., Says STWU Member"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Strikers! Remove Abe Muir!"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Strike Is Firm At Linnton"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Red Scare Hit At STWU Meeting"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Longview Pickets Tell How Muir Sell-out Was Rejected"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "2000 Go Out As Furniture Mills Close"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Can Lumber Operators Pay Strike Demands?"
24-May-35 Voice of Action "Onalaska Homes Without Lights"
24-May-35 Seattle PI "Radicals Meet First Major Defeat in Strike as Oregon Mill Reopens"
24-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Strike Eases" [Part 1 of 2]
24-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Strike Situation Eases" [Part 2 of 2]
25-May-35 Seattle PI "Mayor Orders Police to Enforce Law in Industrial Disputes Here"
25-May-35 Seattle PI "Timber Strike Tension Eases In Northwest"
25-May-35 Seattle PI "Production Of N.W. Timber Hits New Low"
25-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Big Timber Strike Seems Deadlocked"
26-May-35 Seattle PI Strike? Northwest Lumber Situation Watched as Possible Kidnap Clue"
26-May-35 Seattle PI "Labor Groups Hold Meetings"
27-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "New Move to Settle Lumber Strike Made" [Part 1 of 2]
27-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "New Move Made To End Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
28-May-35 Seattle PI "Strikers Cut Demands For Pay Increase"
28-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Settlement Near In N.W. Lumber Mill Strike"
30-May-35 Seattle PI "1,000 Vote End of Timber Strike"
30-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strikers Accept Offer"
31-May-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Strike Situation Unchanged"
31-May-35 Voice of Action "Dictator Abe Muir Rides Rough-Shod Over Entire Union" [Part 1 of 2]
31-May-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Strikers In Revolt Over Sell-Out Plan" [Part 2 of 2]
31-May-35 Voice of Action "ILA Men on Lumber Picket Lines"
31-May-35 Seattle PI "Mill Strikers Vote Back To Jobs Monday"
31-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Mills Get Ready to Resume" [Part 1 of 2]
31-May-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills Getting Ready To Start" [Part 2 of 2]
2-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Mill Strike Now Settled"
3-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Several Seattle Lumber Mills Prepare to Resume Operations Today"
3-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Big Strike At Forks Of Road"
4-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strikers Voting On Return" [Part 1 of 2]
4-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Strikers Vote On Return" [Part 2 of 2]
5-Jun-35 Seattle PI "End Of Strike To See Spurt In Lumbering"
5-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Radicals Blamed In Lumber Strife"
5-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Ask Mills Protected In Opening" [Part 1 of 2]
5-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Protection Asked For Reopening Of Mills" [Part 2 of 2]
6-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Delegates Meet In Aberdeen To Form N.W. Strike Committee; Longview Mills Down"
6-Jun-35 Voice of Action "News from Lumber Strike Centers"
6-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Hopes for Early Lumber Strike Settlement Wane" [Part 1 of 2]
6-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Pickets Close Plants Here" [Part 2 of 2]
6-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Plan Mill Opening Here" [Part 1 of 2]
6-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Protection Asked For Reopening Of Mills" [Part 2 of 2]
7-Jun-35 WA State Labor News "Timber Workers Tell of Strike"
7-Jun-35 WA State Labor News "Selleck Timber Workers Backed"
7-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Strike Vote Was Not Authorized By the Workers Who Walked Out"
7-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Attempts to End Lumber Walkout Seen at Hopeless Deadlock"
7-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Losses Heavy"
7-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Bjorklund Dodges Issue" [Part 1 of 2]
7-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Bjorklund Gets Around Mill Guard Issue" [Part 2 of 2]
8-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Martin Hits Agitators"
8-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Governor Acts In Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
8-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Governor Martin Acts In Mill Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
9-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Reds Boast Over Lumber Tieup"
10-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Pulpwood Cutters Return to Work"
11-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Open Violence Flares When Mills Open"
11-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "11 Plywood Firms Sign Wage Pact"
12-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Mill Pickets Maintain Lines"
12-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Mill Strike Ties Up 28 Coastwise Vessels"
12-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumbermen Assured By Martin" [Part 1 of 2]
12-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Martin Agrees To Guard Mill" [Part 2 of 2]
13-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Union Civil War Tightens" [Part 1 of 2]
13-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Warfare In Ranks Of Mill Union Tightens" [Part 2 of 2]
14-Jun-35 WA State Labor News "Timber Workers Making Progress Toward Victory"
14-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Rank and File Faction In Lumber Unions Denounced"
14-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Governors Threaten Terror As Rank, File Takes Strike Control"
14-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Complete, Authentic Reports From Northwest Lumber Strike Centers"
14-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Official Resolutions Adopted by Aberdeen Joint Strike Conference Last Week"
14-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Unionists Hit Martin Terror Threat"
14-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Communist Party Answers Martin's Strike-Breaking Statements"
14-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Picket Row Taken To Court"
15-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Mill Owners Deny Muir's Report of Strike Peace Agreement"
16-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strikers In 6th Week"
16-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Pickets Lose In Court Test At Portland"
17-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Takes Holiday"
17-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Picketing In Strike Defined"
18-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Forces Decision In Strike"
19-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills To Resume Friday" [Part 1 of 2]
19-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills To Resume Here On Friday" [Part 2 of 2]
20-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Plants Start" [Part 1 of 2]
20-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Lumber Plants Ready For Work" [Part 2 of 2]
21-Jun-35 WA State Labor News "The Strike Situation Today"
21-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Protest Action" [Part 1 of 2]
21-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Protest Action" [Part 2 of 2]
21-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Beating Given by State Police Sends Lumber Striker to Hospital in Portland"
21-Jun-35 Voice of Action "News from Lumber Strike Centers"
21-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "7 Lumber Mills Reopen As Men Return To Work" [Part 1 of 2]
21-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Seven Lumber Mills Reopen" [Part 2 of 2]
21-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "A.F.L. Fomented Lumber Strike, Says 4-L Head"
22-Jun-35 Seattle PI "1 Dead in Eureka Mill Riot"
22-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber World Eyes Tacoma As Mills Open"
22-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Eight Sawmills Operating Today In Tacoma Area" [Part 1 of 2]
22-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Eight Sawmills Operating Today" [Part 2 of 2]
23-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Mill Owners May Ask Guard Be Called Out"
24-Jun-35 Seattle PI "300 State Troops In Tacoma: Mills Will Open Under Guard"
24-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Deals Mills Severe Blow"
24-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "State Militia And Police On Guard As 500 Men Work" [Part 1 of 2]
24-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "State Police And Militia Guard Mills" [Part 2 of 2]
24-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Doc Workers Vote to Remain Idle"
25-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Gas Barrage Routs Tacoma Pickets; Citizens Suffer As Troops Attack" [Part 1 of 2]
25-Jun-35 Seattle PI "State Troops Rout Massed Sympathizers With Tear Gas" [Part 2 of 2]
25-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "More State Troops Reach Tacoma To Preserve Order" [Part 1 of 2]
25-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "More Soldiers Here For Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
26-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Troops Rule Downtown Tacoma; Pickets Barred; New Gas Attack Launched" [Part 1 of 2]
26-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Penington Places Ban On All Picketing" [Part 2 of 2]
26-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "U.S. Acts To End Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
26-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "U.S. Takes Action To Settle Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
27-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Martin Won't Withdraw Troops!" [Part 1 of 2]
27-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Martin Firm For Protection Of Men Who Want To Work" [Part 2of 2}
27-Jun-35 Seattle PI "U.S. Names Mill Strike Board"
27-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Guard To Stay In Tacoma" [Part 1 of 2]
27-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "National Guard to Remain in Tacoma" [Part 2 of 2]
28-Jun-35 WA State Labor News "Tacoma Terrorized by Reign of Gas Bomb, Bayonet"
28-Jun-35 WA State Labor News "What Unionism Means to the Lumber Worker"
28-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Troops Still Here" [Part 1 of 2]
28-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Troops Still Here" [Part 2 of 2]
28-Jun-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Who Laughs Last"
28-Jun-35 Voice of Action "General Strike Looms For Tacoma As N.W. Labor Demands Removal of Troops"
28-Jun-35 Voice of Action "News from Lumber Strike Centers"
28-Jun-35 Voice of Action "Open Letter to Harlin--Connections With Lumber Barons Shown By Advertisers in 'Labor' Year Book"
28-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Guard Ready Before Strike"
28-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Progress Claimed By Mills"
28-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strikers, Troops, Mill Men Hit By Cincinnatans"
29-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Thousand Men At Work In Tacoma Mills"
29-Jun-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Board Meets"
29-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "City Quiet As Strike Continues" [Part 1 of 2]
29-Jun-35 Tacoma News Tribune "City Quiet As Strike Goes On" [Part 2 of 2]
1-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Guard Ready for Duty at Longview"
1-Jul-35 Seattle PI "On Strike"
1-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Longview Plants Open" [Part 1 of 2]
1-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Longview Plants Start Cutting Lumber" [Part 2 of 2]
2-Jul-35 Seattle PI "900 Return To Work At Lumber Mills" [Part 1 of 2]
2-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Mills Not Open" [Part 2 of 2]
2-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Strike Still At Impasse"
3-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Strike Attorney's Home Bombed"
3-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills To Close For Holiday Thursday" [Part 1 of 2]
3-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills Close For Holiday" [Part 2 of 2]
4-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Muir Says Reds Control Strike Committee" [Part 1 of 2]
4-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Muir Says Reds Rule Committee" [Part 2 of 2]
5-Jul-35 WA State Labor News "Lumber Operators Refuse Gov. Mediation"
5-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Strikers Hold Unbroken Front"
5-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "A Striker's Viewpoint"
5-Jul-35 Voice of Action "2800 On Picket Line At Aberdeen"
5-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Nat'l Guard Ranks Shake With Waves Of Discontent"
5-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Barons' Anti-Strike Figures in Levine's Yearbook Lies, Government Statistics Show; Speed-up 100 percent"
5-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Pickets Will Seek Aid of Longshoremen"
5-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Goldwyn Purchases Rights to Edna Ferber's Lumber Novel"
6-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Longview Police Rout Rioters" [Part 1 of 2]
6-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Police Clash With Pickets" [Part 2 of 2]
6-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Gas Barrage Disperses Strikers"
7-Jul-35 Seattle PI "State Police Gas Pickets; Mills Reopen"
8-Jul-35 Seattle PI "3000 Pickets Centering On Strike Area" [Part 1 of 2]
8-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Troops Sent As Guard For Harbor Mills" [Part 2 of 2]
8-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Picketers Dispersed By Troops" [Part 1 of 2]
8-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Troops Disperse Harbor Pickets" [Part 2 of 2]
9-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Violence Flares As Mills Open"
9-Jul-35 Seattle PI "10,000 Parade In Protest"
9-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Everett Lumber Union Voting On Return To Job"
9-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Charges Against 15 In Strike Dropped"
9-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Labor Convention Considers Ban On Militia"
10-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Seven Mills In Operation; 3 Sign Pact"
10-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills Swing Back To Normal" [Part 1 of 2]
10-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills Swinging Back To Normal" [Part 2 of 2]
10-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Labor Convention Hits At Guard And Patrol"
11-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Bitter Northwest Lumber Feud Coming Close to Complete Settlement"
11-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Martin Center Of State Labor Resolutions"
12-Jul-35 WA State Labor News "State Labor Condemns Armed Strike Breaking"
12-Jul-35 WA State Labor News "More than 25,000 Workers In Lumber Industry Now On Union Agreement Basis"
12-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Strikers Are Still Holding Firmly"
12-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Troops Fail To Break Strikers' Militancy"
12-Jul-35 Voice of Action "General Strike!"
12-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Accident Rate in Lumber Industry High"
12-Jul-35 Voice of Action "N.W. Strike Committee Delegation in Port Angles to Aid Strike"
12-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Latest News From Lumber Strike Centers"
12-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Strike Riots Seen As Bar To Early Peace"
12-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Gas Is Used Again In Strike"
13-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Martial Law Looms In Tacoma: Hundreds Gassed During Riots" [Part 1 of 2]
13-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Martial Law Looms in Tacoma as Riots Seethe in Downtown Area" [Part 2 of 2]
13-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "5 Bombs Follow Riot" [Part 1 of 2]
13-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "5 Bombs Follow Rioting Last Evening" [Part 2 of 2]
14-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Martial Law Expected In Tacoma Area"
15-Jul-35 Seattle PI "7 Sawmills In Everett To Reopen Today"
15-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "City Faces Martial Law"
15-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Terrorists Attack Tacoma Mill"
15-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Dynamite Used In Strike"
16-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Mahan Believed Trapped; Police Rout Everett Mob"
16-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Tacoma Riots Flare; Martial Law Deferred"
16-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "9 Jailed In Everett Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
16-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Nine Jailed In Everett Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
17-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Hoquiam Judge Enjoins Guard In Mill Strike"
17-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Shots Fired At Automobile of Two Tacoma Lumber Mill Workers"
17-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Zone In Tacoma Quiet" [Part 1 of 2]
17-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Zone Here Is Quiet" [Part 2 of 2]
18-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Thousands Return to Jobs in Mills; Radicals Lose Out"
18-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Strike Outlook Brightens As More Return"
19-Jul-35 WA State Labor News "Lumber Workers Maintain Unbroken Front While Mills Use Strikebreakers"
19-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Aids Suppression Peaceful Picketing" [Part 1 of 2]
19-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Aids Suppression Peaceful Picketing" [Part 2 of 2]
19-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "The Battle of the Bridgehead"
19-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Tacoma Sawmill Union Demands Central Labor Council Order General Strike Vote"
19-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Mass Strike Parades in Aberdeen Effective; Scabs Scarce in Portland"
19-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Seattle STWU Executive Board Member Arrested On Trumped-up Charge"
19-Jul-35 Voice of Action "An Open Letter to Abraham W. Muir"
19-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Guardsmen, State Cops Unleash Terror Against Strikers"
19-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Strike News"
19-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Lumber Strike Nears End As Crews Return"
19-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Collapse Of Strike Forecast" [Part 1 of 2]
19-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Collapse Of Strike Forecast" [Part 2 of 2]
20-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Bayonets Rout Hoquiam Rioters"
20-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Riot Flares In Hoquiam"
21-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Developments Point To End Of Mill Strike"
22-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "1,922 Men In Tacoma Sawmills" [Part 1 of 2]
22-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "1,922 Men Work In Tacoma" [Part 2 of 2]
23-Jul-35 Seattle PI "1,700 Strikers Vote to Go Back on Jobs in Northwest Sawmills"
23-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Refuse To Load Ships In Tacoma" [Part 1 of 2]
23-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Stevedores Balk At Loading Ships Here" [Part 2 of 2]
24-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Cargo Still Big Issue" [Part 1 of 2]
24-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Cargo Still Big Issue" [Part 2 of 2]
25-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Workers' Fire Rakes Crowd Of Pickets" [Part 1 of 2]
25-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Hoquiam Mill Pickets Shot" [Part 2 of 2]
25-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Violence Flares Again" [Part 1 of 2]
25-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Violence Flares Again In Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
26-Jul-35 WA State Labor News "Governor Blamed For Use of Troops"
26-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Demand Gov. Martin Withdraw Troops From Tacoma" [Part 1 of 2]
26-Jul-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Demand Gov. Martin Withdraw Troops From Tacoma" [Part 2 of 2]
26-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Refuse To Go Back To Work Until Scabs Fired"
26-Jul-35 Voice of Action "Seattle STWU Asks UCL's Help on Picket Lines"
26-Jul-35 Voice of Action "The Lumber Strike Week by Week"
26-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Militia Stoned By Hoquiam Mob" [Part 1 of 2]
26-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Hoquiam Mob Stones Troops" [Part 2 of 2]
26-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mills Gain As Rows Continue" [Part 1 of 2]
26-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Cut Gains As Strike Rows Continue" [Part 2 of 2]
27-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Tacoma Mill Strikers Vote On New Offer"
27-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Vote May End Mill Strike"
30-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Peace Gains in Mill Strike"
30-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Pact Awaits Vote" [Part 1 of 2]
30-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune "New Mill Pact Awaits Ballots" [Part 2 of 2]
31-Jul-35 Seattle PI "Mills Expand Activities In Strike Zones"
31-Jul-35 Tacoma News Tribune THIS LINK DOES NOT HAVE THE FIRST PAGE "Still Dickering On Settlement of Mill Strike"
2-Aug-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Conferences Continue In Effort To Settle Lumber Strike"
2-Aug-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "The Use of Guardsmen In Strikes"
2-Aug-35 Voice of Action "Hold Lumber Union Firm In Aberdeen" [Part 1 of 2]
2-Aug-35 Voice of Action "More About Lumber Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
2-Aug-35 Voice of Action "Pity the Poor Lumber Barons"
2-Aug-35 Tacoma News Tribune THIS LINK DOES NOT HAVE THE FIRST PAGE "New Peace Plan Before Strikers"
3-Aug-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Mill Men Voting On New Plan"
5-Aug-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Back To Mills Again" [Part 1 of 2]
5-Aug-35 Tacoma News Tribune "Back To Mills After Long Tie Up" [Part 2 of 2]
9-Aug-35 Tacoma Labor Advocate "Sawmill and Timber Workers Accept Proposals; Strike Ends"
9-Aug-35 Voice of Action "N.W. Lumber Workers Win Many Gains In Big Strike" [Part 1 of 2]
9-Aug-35 Voice of Action "Lumber Workers Gain by Strike" [Part 2 of 2]
9-Aug-35 Voice of Action "Portland Lumber Workers Resisting Union-Smashing"
23-Aug-35 Voice of Action "Mill Workers Re-Strike Over Discrimination"
23-Aug-35 Voice of Action "Union Wins 60 Cents per Hr. Minimum"