SafeCampus is hiring for a full-time employee! – posted 4/16

UW SafeCampus is Hiring for a full-time Violence Prevention & Response Specialist! 

The mission of the university’s SafeCampus program, launched in 2007, is to help prevent and address violence that affects members of the University of Washington community. SafeCampus is built upon the best practices of threat assessment experts and scholars to be a model of an effective behavioral intervention and threat assessment & management program. We believe that violence can be prevented if we employ a community engagement model wherein UW faculty, staff, and students alert us to concerning behaviors. The SafeCampus program operates a dedicated phone line, with specialists intaking calls 24/7, to respond to individuals reporting violence, safety concerns, and concerning behaviors. SafeCampus is also the central intake point for suicide concerns and Title IX disclosures–this includes reports of sexual assault, stalking, relationship violence, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation.

As the title suggests, the Violence Prevention & Response Specialist has a dual role in the SafeCampus program, as this position will handle both crisis response & case management work, as well as some prevention & education activities. This position has primary responsibility for answering and responding to calls on the SafeCampus helpline during regular business hours. This role requires the ability to conduct effective and complete intake of concerns, to assist callers in varying degrees of distress, identifying effective next steps, and in working with the SafeCampus threat assessment specialists to determine an appropriate plan of action. In addition, this position is responsible for providing backup support for presentations, preparing reports, and representing SafeCampus at university events. Lastly, this position provides support to the other three SafeCampus employees.

Please click here to learn more about the position and apply!

For questions please email the program manager, Gillian Wickwire at


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