The Counseling Center is searching for students, faculty, and staff who would be interested in serving on its advisory board for the 2024-25 academic year. Applications due May 20th. See information and flyer below.

Apply if you want to:

  • make a difference in student mental health
  • destigmatize mental health
  • give voice to underserved students

Student Application:

Faculty Staff Application:

Read more

Dear SSW Students,

Are you committed to making the SSW a more socially just learning community? Do you want to develop your leadership skills? The SSW Student Advisory Council (SAC) is looking to fill vacancies for this academic year.

SAC is a group comprised of student representatives from each cohort and staff/faculty advisors. SAC has worked hard to create a myriad of student centered changes at the UW School of Social Work. SAC has worked with the SSW administration to continue to develop shared governance, a process where students would have increased input in the running of the School of Social Work. SAC is where students like you can build the confidence needed to advocate for future clients in large bureaucratic organizations by advocating for your cohort in the complex university systems. SAC also brings energy to community building efforts and creates opportunities for engaging with your classmates and building connections, such as the SAC Spring Fling  hosted in May.

Read more

Community-building Events this Quarter
In order to continue to come together as a community – and to better distribute information to students – we have plans for the following meetings to take place this quarter. Again, please be on the look-out for Canvas notifications announcing these sessions. They will also be added to the Canvas calendar.

  • Graduation meetings: We’ll be hosting meetings for cohorts that will be graduating this year (Day 2, EDP 3) to review important information regarding degree conferment and discuss specific supports needed as you finish the program.
  • Concentration meetings: Day 1 students will be gathering together in your concentrations next month to orient you to your advanced year, talk about transition planning, and discuss next year’s course of study and practicum. Day 2, EDP 2 and EDP 3 students should hear from your individual concentration chairs about online meetings this quarter.
  • SAC event: The “Lightning Talks” that were scheduled for April 3rd will still be happening this quarter! Please be on the lookout for a rescheduled date to be announced soon.
  • Other webinars and workshops: We’re planning other webinars and workshops to address students’ concerns around job searches, self-care, and specific areas of practice. Please share your feedback on additional programming and support you’d like from the School here:

Drop-in Hours
Student Services, the Office of Field Education, and our office will all be hosting virtual drop-in hours. Student Services’ drop-in advising hours are posted on their Canvas homepages for Day and EDP students. OFE and the MSW Program office will send out our drop-in schedules soon.

President Ana Mari Cauce announced yesterday that UW Commencement will be webcast on June 13, 2020. Our School of Social Work celebration will also move online and we’ll be seeking input from students to help us shape a meaningful and connective ceremony. Our planning team will be in touch soon with further information. Graduating students should be sure to attend the EDP 3 and Day 2 cohort meetings that will be scheduled soon in order to learn more.

Summer Quarter
Because UW announced that Summer Term A (minimally) will now take place online, SSW Summer registration will not begin on April 13th as planned. We will be pushing it off at least 2-3 weeks in order to make sure we have enough offerings in the time schedule to meet students’ needs.  The bulk of our summer courses are full-term, so we anticipate most/all will be online.  We are looking at how this will play out for practicum, especially for EDP students starting new placements, and we’ll be adding options to make sure that all of our students will be able to qualify for financial aid and continue progress towards your degrees as we plan.

Additional Resources

  • Conference funding: As the University has suspended travel for students, faculty and staff, we are opening our conference funds to be used for online workshops, webinars, and trainings taking place through June 30th. Please apply here by April 25th to be considered:
  • Online job fairs: Many organizations are moving their social work job fairs online and we’ll continue to share information as we receive it. One large social work job fair is online through today and can be accessed here.
  • Mental health resources: While the University is on modified remote operations, many mental health services will still be offered this quarter from the Counseling Center and Hall Health Mental Health, including one-on-one therapy, groups, and workshops. Additionally, you may find this resource on coping with stress related to COVID-19from the UW Counseling Center helpful. Many community-based services have moved online and are taking new clients as well. Please see a list of organizations here:

Apply now to join the Husky Experience Student Advisory Council

Help advance the Husky Seed Fund, an award that brings to life innovative ideas by students that are inclusive, impactful, and inventive to the UW.  Gain valuable experience advancing and managing a program that will impact thousands of students at UW.

What types of student-led efforts would improve the overall Husky Experience? What would inspire students to create such a project and apply for funding?  You be the judge!

The Provost’s Office will provide the funding, basic structure and guidance for HESAC members to lead and advance the Husky Seed Fund.  In work groups, members will:  gain program management, leadership, and financial management skills; help fellow Huskies by shaping how dollars impact their ideas; and receive coaching from Provost’s Office staff on how to include this experience on a resume, talk about it in person and apply lessons learned and skills gained going forward.

Apply here:

Deadline:   5:00 p.m., October 23, 2019 

Councilmember Duties

This year the HESAC will be doing two things; selecting new projects and overseeing the two projects selected last year – Husky Cookbook and Sparking Joy as an A- Student.  Members will participate in both of these areas.

To help you gauge the time commitment to HESAC, here is a schedule of activities:

  • Bi-weekly whole group meetingsWednesdays 3:30-5:30pm
    • Autumn Quarter
      • November 6 & 20
      • December 4
    • Winter Quarter
      • January 15 & 29
      • February 12 & 26
      • March 11
    • Spring Quarter
      • April 1, 8 *note shift* & 22
      • May 6 & 20
      • June 3
    • As needed – small group meetings between bi-weekly meetings
      • To be arranged by small group members
  • We are not able to flex meeting times, so please double-check your schedule to ensure you can attend at these times if you are selected. If so, please place holds for these meetings on your calendar now.

Student Advisory Councilmember Terms of Service

  • Councilmembers will serve 1-year terms, with a possible 1-year reappointment.
  • Council members will review and award seed funding to peers.  They will not be eligible to apply for seed funding in the year in which they serve.

Questions? Contact Katy DeRosier at

SSW Prom! (organized by your Student Advisory Council, SAC)

Friday, June 1st at 7:30pm

The UW School of Social Work Student Advisory Council (SAC) invites you to an evening of great fun with your fellow social work peers on Friday, June 1st from 7:30 – 10:00 PM.
Recommended Attire: Formal dress from past decades.
Further details to come.
Please RSVP at by May 25th, 2018 if you plan on attending! You’re more than welcome to bring along a significant other or friend, but please make sure you include them when you RSVP.

We also have a need for volunteers to ensure that the first annual School of Social Work Prom is a success! We need help creating decorations, bringing baked goods for our dessert potluck, day of set up and take down, a DJ, photographers and a camera/tripod to take prom photos with. If interested, please sign up here at

See attached flyer for more info:

Final (Link and Colors)

Several Deadlines are quickly approaching!

NCORE Student Scholarships


Click here for Scholarship Details


Call for Presentations


Click here for submission details


National Advisory Council Membership


Click here for Council information


register at


Date: February 5th, 2014

*Meeting called to order @ 4:45pm*

Facilitator: Charlie Doyle                                                               Note Taker: Miriam Valdovinos

Attendance: 10 members present, (10 members needed for quorum)


Genevieve Huard

Jennifer Ketcham

Miriam Valdovinos

Gary Hothi

Charlie Doyle

Jamaal Magee

Cassie Hunter

Lin Murdock

Joe Herbert

Amie Shipley

Emiko Tajima

Jasmine Ili


Consent Agenda (take note of approval of meeting agenda and minutes, briefly list any issues)

I.                   December 2013 notes approved (Charlie motioned, Genevieve second: 9 Yes, 1 Abstain)

II.                January 2014 notes approved (Gary motioned, Joe second: 10 Yes) Read more

1/15/14 Student Advisory Council Minutes


I.                    Chantel lead introductions

II.                  Quorum met

III.               Members in Attendance:

a.       Genevieve Huard

b.      Charlie Doyal

c.       Candace Mivshek

d.      Amie Shipley

e.       Jamaal Magee

f.        Paloma Andaloza-Reza

g.       Chantel Johnson

h.      Jasmine Ili

i.         Jennifer Ketcham

j.         Joe Herbert

k.       Susan McKay

l.         Gary Hothi

m.    Cassie Hunter

n.      Didi Proctor

o.      Miriam Valdovinos

p.      Lin Murdock

q.      Emiko Tajima

Consent Agenda:

I.                    Jennie motioned to approve and move on to work on Lin’s budgeting next

Updates & Announcements

I.                    Lost 2 members (Gina and Stephen)

II.                  Graduation Presentations Read more

Welcome (list any guests, take note of any reflections)
I. Jennie calls meeting to order and initiates roll call
II. Quorum not met for voting purposes
Consent Agenda (take note of approval of meeting agenda and minutes; briefly list any issues that come up)
I. Lin asks group to review agenda and approve of meeting flow.
II. Gary makes motion

Updates & Announcements (take note of any old business items, discussion items/ reports) Read more

Welcome (list any guests, take note of any reflections)
I. Welcomed after doing an ice breaker
II. Amie taking notes 1st half of meeting, Jennie 2nd half
Consent Agenda (take note of approval of meeting agenda and minutes, briefly list any issues
that come up)

  • I. Motion to approve minutes from last meeting – 9/6, Stephen motioned, Gina seconded, 4 yays, 0 nays, 9 abstentions – the minutes were approved
  • II. Proposal to approve new membership numbers – was voted for online and passed with 60%, information on the new numbers are up on Canvas Read more


I.                          Thank you to everyone who could attend this meeting – and a special thanks to Paloma for creating our agenda

II.                       Those in attendance:

·         Lin

·         Emiko

·         Paloma

·         Chantel

·         Miriam

·         Susan

·         Cassie

·         Gina

Consent Agenda

I.                   Agenda was not voted on – there was an overall consensus of items listed in the agenda

II.                Agenda items included:

a.       Planning for SAC New Member Orientation

b.      Elections for Advanced Standing, Day, and EDP

c.       SAC Canvas Site Organization Update

d.      SAC Calendar

e.       Proposal to change subcommittees

f.       From July Meeting Read more

SAC MEETING                                                                05/17/2013

Co-Facilitator: Kris & Marie

Minutes first-half: Alisa

Minutes second-half: Mikaela

Attendance: Patty, Kris, Micaela O., Lin, Paloma, Alisa, Staci, Mikaela H., Michael, Marie, Gina, Dane, Cassie, Miriam, Christina

1.       Welcoming & Introduction:

a.      Members welcomed Cassie Hunter to SAC and introduced self. Lin explained that Cassie will be replacing Katie’s position.

2.      Consent Agenda: Read more

SAC Meeting 04/12/2013

Facilitator: Mikaela Harf

Minutes: Kris Butler and Gary Hothi

1.       Introductions and Attendance

2.       Consent agenda

A.      Lots of people absent. Unable to make quorum

B.      Gina to create catalyst survey to vote on action items when we don’t have quorum.

3.       Updates and announcements

A.      Results of action to serve only non-alcoholic drinks at SAC-sponsored events passed. Read more

SAC MEETING                                                                05/17/2013

Co-Facilitator: Kris & Marie

Minutes first-half: Alisa

Minutes second-half: Mikaela

Attendance: Patty, Kris, Micaela O., Lin, Paloma, Alisa, Staci, Mikaela H., Michael, Marie, Gina, Dane, Cassie, Miriam, Christina

1.       Welcoming & Introduction:

a.      Members welcomed Cassie Hunter to SAC and introduced self. Lin explained that Cassie will be replacing Katie’s position.

2.      Consent Agenda: Read more

Facilitator: Michael Light & Sabrina Fields

Minutes: Gina Mendoza

Next Facilitator: Dane Olsen & ?

*Because a large amount of people were absent, we were unable to meet quorum to vote

I.       Starting with stepping back and doing some team building, orientation, and setting norms Read more

SAC Meeting 2/22/2013


Facilitator: Gina Mendoza

Minutes: Mikaela Harf


Facilitator at 3/15 meeting: Mikaela Harf and

Minutes at 3/15 meeting: Dane Olsen

Facilitator at 5/17 meeting: Dane Olsen

Minutes at 5/17 meeting: Chantel Johnson

1.      Introductions

2.      Budget Requests Read more

SAC Meeting 1/11/13

Facilitator: Shelby Feliciano and Marie Loeb

Minutes: Gina Mendoza

Facilitator at the next meeting (2/22): Gina Mendoza

Minutes: Mikaela Harf

1. Introductions

2. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Molly and Susan) Budget Request: Read more

Attendees: Magan Do (2nd year Day MSW), Marie Loeb (2nd year EDP MSW), Janell
Vaughn (3rd year EDP MSW), Pricilla Dean (Advanced Standing MSW), Angeli Bhatt
(2nd year Day MSW), Virginia Eader (2nd year Day MSW), Alissa Luis (2nd year EDP),
Mahogany Timmons (2nd year EDP), Emiko Tajima
Agenda Items:
1. Vote on finalized schedule: 1st and 3rd EPD weekends
2. Approve bylaws
3. Overview of subcommittees, members, assignments
Bylaws discussion and resulting outcomes:
# of students entering into the program this school year:

  • 72 EDP
  • 122 Day
  • 70 Advance Standing (higher this year- usually around 44 students)
  • 7 PHD (total enrolled 50 students)
  • 45-50 per year BASW Read more

Student Advisory Council Meeting: October 21, 2012

Meeting start: 5:45

In attendance: Michael Light, Marie Loeb, Rachel Forte, Emma Sherman, Priscilla Dean, Christina, Janell Vaughn, David, Alysse, Lin Murdock, Emiko Tajima, Tonya, Alissa Luis, Magan Do, Virginia Eader, Mahogany Timmons

Read more

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