Hi SSW Community,

I would like to invite you to attend our doctoral student, Tino Camacho’s qualifying paper defense on Monday, May 13 at 1:30PM PST viz Zoom or Room 305A. See abstract below.

Title: Mamfok I Talayan Hinemlo’ : Weaving Resistant Relationalities to Promote Queer and Transgender Pacific Islander Wellbeing

Location: SSW Room 305A and/or Zoom: Meeting ID: 918 6936 9240

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SSW community, we would like to invite you to attend our doctoral student, Andrea G. Perez Portillo who will holding their dissertation on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 9AM PST on Zoom. Read more on the abstract below.


Wednesday, May 1 at 9AM PST.


Yo Aquí y Vos Allá: Connection, Support, and Well-Being Among Immigrants from Central America

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 984 1215 1275

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The UW Resilience Lab and the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) are pleased to share the 2024 Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant cycle is accepting applications! The application form will remain open until Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Read more: 2024 Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant

These small grants (<$5,000) support efforts to promote resilience, compassion and sustainability and foster connection and community at the UW. Seed grants support impactful activities, programming, projects and/or applied research that align with the following goals of the Resilience Lab and the CSF: 

  • To cultivate kindness, compassion and gratitude toward each other and ourselves; 
  • To foster connectedness, belonging and community; 
  • To embrace common humanity and diversity within the human experience; 
  • To provide opportunities to the UW community for project-based or applied learning; 
  • To illuminate the connections between group or personal identities (cultural, racial, ethnic, gender, etc.) and the sustainability of the UW community and environment. 
  • To educate and/or spark dialogue about environmental and societal problems that disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

All members of the UW community are eligible to apply – including students, staff and faculty across the three campuses; however, preference will be given to teams that include students.

Past funded project have included: workshops, retreats, community activities, social justice and anti-racist training, building connections between the Seattle community and UW, and applied research.

To apply, submit the following information and materials through the 2024 Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant application (Google form).

The short application includes a request for:

  1. A detailed, line-item budget proposal for how the funds will be used. Please include a description of matching funds and/or any additional funds to support your project as applicable.
  2. (Optional) Letter of support from an appropriate unit lead (e.g., person holding chair, dean or VP-level roles) or letter from a faculty or staff adviser/mentor for student-led applications.

Funding guidelines are listed on the 2024 Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant application. To learn more, check out former  Resilience Seed Grant recipients, here.

Applications are due Tuesday, April 30 by 11:59 pm. Contact Rudy Gallardo, the Resilience Lab Coordinator ( or Tatiana Brown, the CSF Associate Program Director ( for any questions regarding the Seed Grant applications. 

“UW Theses and Dissertations” will be held online on Thursday, May 25, from 2-3pm. For many students, the thesis or dissertation represents one of their first forays into publicly disseminating the products of their scholarship. This webinar will give an overview of the copyright and publishing issues students should consider, and demonstrate how their decisions are reflected in the ETDAdministrator system. It will offer the opportunity for students to think through their options for how and when to share their work, and to ask questions about the process.

Please register here to receive an invitation with the zoom information.

For those students who are unable to attend this session, we do have two asynchronous resources:

As always, my department is also very happy to answer individual questions from students; they can contact me directly or email

Issue No. 168                                                                                  May 9, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Dr. Susan Barkan Retiring
Dr. Susan Barkan, Principal Research Scientist and the Director of Research at Partners for Our Children (P4C) has recently retired from the UW. She worked with P4C for the past 15 years as a Research Scientist and was Affiliate Faculty with the UW School of Social Work. Congratulations, Susan!

Zipline downtime on June 5
On Monday, June 5, Zipline will be down for an upgrade. Please plan ahead, as the system is expected to be down for 48 hours. During this downtime, researchers will not be able to submit applications, respond to requests from HSD or the IRB, or access documents.

National Institute of Mental Health Call for Nominations
The NIMH seeks nominations for the James S. Jackson Award, given to exceptional intramural and extramural minority mental health and mental health disparities researchers who exemplify and demonstrate excellence in scholarship, mentorship and learning environment, and community, inclusivity, and outreach. Nominations are due May 22, 2023.

Changes coming to Website
The National Library of Medicine has been working to modernize the website, and have incorporated user feedback to improve how visitors search, view, and download information about clinical trials. These changes will take place in June, 2023.

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Issue No. 167                                                                                  May 2, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Zipline downtime on June 5
On Monday, June 5, Zipline will be down for an upgrade. Please plan ahead, as the system is expected to be down for 48 hours. During this downtime, researchers will not be able to submit applications, respond to requests from HSD or the IRB, or access documents.

National Institute of Mental Health Call for Nominations
The NIMH seeks nominations for the James S. Jackson Award, given to exceptional intramural and extramural minority mental health and mental health disparities researchers who exemplify and demonstrate excellence in scholarship, mentorship and learning environment, and community, inclusivity, and outreach. Nominations are due May 10, 2023.

New Publications

Crosby, S. D., Day, A., Somers, C., Baroni, B., Patterson, D., Jones, K., & Hong, J. S. (2023) Exploring trauma-informed teaching through the voices of female youth. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education, 2(1), 62–78.

Kniffley, S., Crosby, S. D., Jones, K. V., Middleton, J., & Caine, A. (2023, April 3). Bridging the Gap: Evaluating the Efficacy of Racial Trauma Therapy Training for Community Mental Health Clinicians. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.

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Issue No. 166                                                                               April 25, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Resilience Lab Seed Grants
In partnership with the Campus Sustainability Fund, the Resilience Lab is awarding seed grants that support efforts to promote resilience, compassion and sustainability and to foster connection and community at the UW. These grants, ranging from $500 to $5,000, support impactful activities, programs, projects, and/or applied research. The application period will close on April 30.

NIH Resource for Applications
The Center for Scientific Review at NIH has developed a new resource to clarify the process of submitting an NIH grant application for both investigators and institutions.

NIMH James S. Jackson Award Nominations
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is seeking nominations for the 2023 James S. Jackson Award. Nominees should include exceptional intramural and extramural minority mental health and mental health disparities researchers who exemplify and demonstrate excellence in scholarship, mentorship and learning environment, and community, inclusivity, and outreach.

New Resources for Meaningfully Engated Lived Expertise in Child Welfare Research
For the past several years, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs, and the William T. Grant Foundation have developed a 21st Century Research Agenda for a Child and Family Well-Being System. A new brief and checklist describe the partnership and provide recommendations from lived experience experts on how they experience research, and recommendations for researchers and funders about how to proceed with respect and rigor.

National Institute of Mental Health Call for Nominations
The NIMH seeks nominations for the James S. Jackson Award, given to exceptional intramural and extramural minority mental health and mental health disparities researchers who exemplify and demonstrate excellence in scholarship, mentorship and learning environment, and community, inclusivity, and outreach. Nominations are due May 10, 2023.

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Issue No. 165                                                                               April 18, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

UW Neurodiversity Employment Center Opportunity
Dr. Hala Annabi, Associate Professor in the Information School, is leading an initiative to create a UW center focused on improving employment outcomes for neurodivergent people. Dr. Annabi is interested in creating a transdisciplinary proposal for private funders. If you are interested in participating in this effort, please email Dr. Annabi at or Tasha Murphy ( for more information.

Margaret Kuklinski, John Briney, and J. David Hawkins News Brief
In last week’s newsletter, we shared a recent paper co-authored by Margaret Kuklinski, John Briney, and J. David Hawkins at SDRG about a gun violence prevention program. This study is making national news! Click here to read about the study, reported by ABC News. Congratulations to all co-authors!

Resilience Lab Seed Grants
In partnership with the Campus Sustainability Fund, the Resilience Lab is awarding seed grants that support efforts to promote resilience, compassion and sustainability and to foster connection and community at the UW. These grants, ranging from $500 to $5,000, support impactful activities, programs, projects, and/or applied research. The application period will close on April 30.

SSWR Needs Volunteer Abstract Reviewers
The Society for Social Work and Research seeks volunteer abstract reviewers for the 28th Annual conference. If you are interested in applying, click here for additional information.

National Institute of Mental Health Call for Nominations
The NIMH seeks nominations for the James S. Jackson Award, given to exceptional intramural and extramural minority mental health and mental health disparities researchers who exemplify and demonstrate excellence in scholarship, mentorship and learning environment, and community, inclusivity, and outreach. Nominations are due May 10, 2023.

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For more information and to apply: Pitt Lived Experience Research Academy

Online Survey: Inform Peer Coaching to Support Graduate Students
Respond by April 21 at 11:59 p.m.
Academic Support Programs, Seattle campus

Academic Support Programs (ASP) invites current graduate and professional students at the UW to complete a short survey about their experience with connection, support, and resources on campus. We aim to inform our approach to supporting graduate students, including our free peer-to-peer coaching program. The survey will close on April 21, 2023. All respondents can choose to enter a raffle for a $25 gift card to two on-campus cafes! Any questions can be emailed to

Issue No. 163                                                                             April 4, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

UW Global Engagement Fellows: Applications Due May 5
The Office of Global Affairs has announced the opening of the 2023-2024 Global Engagement Fellows, an award focused on creating inclusive global communities at UW. OGA will award up to $3,000 to convene cross-disciplinary groups of faculty that share common interests.

SSWR Needs Volunteer Abstract Reviewers
The Society for Social Work and Research seeks volunteer abstract reviewers for the 28th Annual conference. If you are interested in applying, click here for additional information.

National Institute of Mental Health Call for Nominations
The NIMH seeks nominations for the James S. Jackson Award, given to exceptional intramural and extramural minority mental health and mental health disparities researchers who exemplify and demonstrate excellence in scholarship, mentorship and learning environment, and community, inclusivity, and outreach. Nominations are due May 10, 2023.

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The Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists (SARVA) of the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) are advocating to expand reporting options for survivors through Title IX to include informal resolution processes. An informal resolution process can take many forms, but in a broad sense is an action-oriented agreement written by the harmed party (survivor/victim), and voluntarily agreed to by the party who caused the harm. In doing so, we are asking UW students of all backgrounds to provide their perspectives on the reporting processes offered at UW for those who have experienced sexual or relationship violence, the gaps in those processes, and how they envision those gaps being addressed, through the attached survey.


Here is the survey

Hello Social Work Student,

In an effort to better understand the student experience in social work education across the country we are conducting a research study.  The study aims to collect information about students’ political and religious beliefs and their intersection with the social work classroom/learning experience.  Given the highly charged current environment around politics and religion in the United States, your unique experience can contribute to a body of data about what this looks like in social work classrooms.  Each perspective will provide valuable insight to educators toward improving classroom climate and instruction in social work education.  It would be helpful and appreciated if you would complete the survey linked below.  Your responses will be entirely anonymous.  Thank you in advance for your participation and feedback!


C.J. Sorenson, MSW, LCSW

Tulane DSW Student

Tiffanie Jones, PhD, LMSW

Assistant Professor – Tulane University

Rachel Casey, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor – University of Maine


Take Anonymous Survey

Issue No. 159                                                                               March 7, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

NIH Research: Expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The NIH has announced that the HHS declared public health emergency for COVID-19 will be terminated on May 11, 2023. Effective May 12, NIH will no longer issue Emergency Notices of Funding Opportunity related to COVID-19, and will no longer grant common rule exceptions (related to the COVID-19 public health emergency) to the use of a Single IRB for multi-site research.

NIH Requests Nominations for Sexual & Gender Minority R

NIH Request for Information: Peer Review Scoring
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10.

NIH Request for Information: Violence Against Women Research
This RFI is intended to gather public input on priority scientific directions in violence against women (VAW) research. This includes cisgender, transgender, and gender-diverse persons who identify as a woman or girl, as well as other individuals assigned female at birth but who may not identify as a woman or girl. VAW includes: domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault and rape, dating violence and abuse, peer violence, physical and mental abuse, sexual coercion, stalking, homicide, and elder mistreatment. Responses must be submitted by March 31.

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

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Issue No. 158                                                                      February 28, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Latino Center for Health research study highlighted
The Latino Center for Health’s research study on long COVID was recently profiled in Tacoma’s News Tribune. The study aims to better understand the extent and impact of long COVID on Washington state’s Latino communities.

NIH Seeking Input 
The NIH is seeking input about potential or existing primary or secondary preventive intervention strategies addressing social determinants of health to prevent mental health problems in populations experiencing health disparities. Responses must be submitted by March 1.

NIH Request for Information: Peer Review Scoring
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10.

NIH Request for Information: Violence Against Women Research
This RFI is intended to gather public input on priority scientific directions in violence against women (VAW) research. This includes cisgender, transgender, and gender-diverse persons who identify as a woman or girl, as well as other individuals assigned female at birth but who may not identify as a woman or girl. VAW includes: domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault and rape, dating violence and abuse, peer violence, physical and mental abuse, sexual coercion, stalking, homicide, and elder mistreatment. Responses must be submitted by March 31.

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

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Issue No. 157                                                                      February 21, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

$25 Million Grants: Racism is a Public Health Crisis
The Gathering Collaborative along with King County government invites you, our community and business partners across the region to join us in continuing the critical work to undo the harms of systemic racism, which was declared a public health crisis by King County in 2020. We encourage all applicants to read over the Grant Program Overview and the Invitational Document in order to get grounded in this work.

NIH Grants Conference Videos Available
The NIH has published session recordings and resources from the Virtual NIH Grants Conference that was held February 1-2.

NIH Request for Information: Violence Against Women Research
This RFI is intended to gather public input on priority scientific directions in violence against women (VAW) research. This includes cisgender, transgender, and gender-diverse persons who identify as a woman or girl, as well as other individuals assigned female at birth but who may not identify as a woman or girl. VAW includes: domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault and rape, dating violence and abuse, peer violence, physical and mental abuse, sexual coercion, stalking, homicide, and elder mistreatment. Responses must be submitted by March 31.

NIH Request for Information: Peer Review Scoring
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10.

NIH Seeking Input 
The NIH is seeking input about potential or existing primary or secondary preventive intervention strategies addressing social determinants of health to prevent mental health problems in populations experiencing health disparities. Responses must be submitted by March 1.

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

Contact the Editor
The mission of the OFFER newsletter is to inform members of our social work community about a broad range of research-related events and opportunities with the goals of both encouraging and informing social work research activities. To assist us in providing this information, email Tasha Murphy at (please put “OFFER eNews” in the subject line) with details about your publications or awarded grants, research funding opportunities, and upcoming research events. Thank you!

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Issue No. 156                                                                         February 14, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

NIH Grants Conference: Recordings and Transcripts Available
If you weren’t able to attend the NIH Grants Conference last week, there is good news! Recordings from over 25 sessions are now available.

NIH Request for Information: Violence Against Women Research
This RFI is intended to gather public input on priority scientific directions in violence against women (VAW) research. This includes cisgender, transgender, and gender-diverse persons who identify as a woman or girl, as well as other individuals assigned female at birth but who may not identify as a woman or girl. VAW includes: domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault and rape, dating violence and abuse, peer violence, physical and mental abuse, sexual coercion, stalking, homicide, and elder mistreatment. Responses must be submitted by March 31.

NIH Request for Information: Peer Review Scoring
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10.

NIH Seeking Input 
The NIH is seeking input about potential or existing primary or secondary preventive intervention strategies addressing social determinants of health to prevent mental health problems in populations experiencing health disparities. Responses must be submitted by March 1.

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

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Issue No. 154                                                                         January 31, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Congratulations to Jenn Stuber!
The UW School of Social Work, in collaboration with the UW SMART Center, has received $6 million from the U.S. Department of Education for a 5-year initiative that will put Master of Social Work students from diverse backgrounds in high-need school districts to serve as mental health professionals. Jennifer Stuber led this effort on behalf of SSW. Additional information can be found at the end of the newsletter.

UW Royalty Research Fund Inviting Applications
The UW Office of Research invites applications to the Spring 2023 round of the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) grant program. The purpose of the RRF is to advance new directions in research, particularly a.) In disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal; b.) for faculty who are junior in rank, and c.) when funding may provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding. Applicants may apply for up to $40,000. Proposals are due March 6, 2023.

NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing Now In Effect
As of January 25, 2023, the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing is now in effect. All grant applications submitted to NIH that results in the generation of scientific data must now include a Data Management and Sharing Plan. Tips for writing a DMS plan and examples can be found on the NIH website.

NIH Request for Information
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10, 2023.

NIH Seeking Input 
The NIH is seeking input about potential or existing primary or secondary preventive intervention strategies addressing social determinants of health to prevent mental health problems in populations experiencing health disparities. Responses must be submitted by March 1, 2023.

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

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Issue No. 152                                                                         January 17, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Special Issue Journal Submissions Requested
Submissions are requested for an upcoming Special Issue in the journal Youth titled “Promoting Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Minoritized Youth”. SSW’s Kristian Jones is a guest editor for this issue. To learn more, click here.

New NIH Salary Cap Announced
NIH has announced a new salary cap of $212,100 for all grants and cooperative agreements. Please ensure that all upcoming grant application budgets are adjusted for faculty and staff who are eligible for the salary cap. Existing grant budgets should also consider rebudgeting funds to accommodate the new salary cap.

NIMH Seeking Peer Reviewers
To fund the best mental health research, we need diverse and inclusive peer review committees. The National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) is looking to expand the pool of peer reviewers with mental health researchers who can bring diverse perspectives to the peer review process. To learn more, click here.

NIH Request for Information
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10, 2023.

NIH Seeking Input 
The NIH is seeking input about potential or existing primary or secondary preventive intervention strategies addressing social determinants of health to prevent mental health problems in populations experiencing health disparities. Responses must be submitted by March 1, 2023.

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

NIH Updated Instructions and forms for FORMS-H
NIH has released updated forms and instructions for FORMS-H, which are to be used for all grant applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2023. Please note that NIH is still transitioning all forms, so application packages may not yet reflect FORMS-H. OSP NOTE: FORMS-H updates in Grant Runner are being deferred until Spring 2023, so please plan to use ASSIST for NIH applications due on or after January 25 until further notice.

Contact the Editor
The mission of the OFFER newsletter is to inform members of our social work community about a broad range of research-related events and opportunities with the goals of both encouraging and informing social work research activities. To assist us in providing this information, email Tasha Murphy at (please put “OFFER eNews” in the subject line) with details about your publications or awarded grants, research funding opportunities, and upcoming research events. Thank you!

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The Leadership Development Newsletter

Q Center

Leadership Development Advising
The Q Center offers Leadership Development Advising and Coaching on a variety of support topics. Visit our website to learn more and schedule an appointment. This offering is available to students, faculty, staff, and community.

More Info

Located in HUSKY Union Building (HUB 315)

  • Monday   10 am – 6 pm PT
  • Tuesday   10 am – 6 pm PT
  • Wednesday      CLOSED
  • Thursday 10 am – 6 pm PT
  • Friday      10 am – 6 pm PT

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