New Student Group — How to Embrace Recovery in the SSW

An area for some needed activism has come to the forefront of our school and Corey Kelman is starting a student/faculty/staff/community group in response to this need. Corey has drafted a mission statement for the group, which you will find below. At this time Corey is reaching out to everyone to assess the extent of support out there for this new group. Please consider getting involved with supporting those recovering from addiction and developing the cultural competence to work effectively with recovering people in your future and current social work practice.  If you are interested in getting involved with How to Embrace Recovery in the SSW, please email Then keep your eyes open for the next communication which will have some more concrete details about the initial meeting and organization development.

How to Embrace Recovery in the SSW We are a diverse collective of students, faculty, staff and community members with multiple intersecting identities that serves as a safe supportive space for all people recovering by any pathway from addiction in any form and their allies. There are dual purposes of this group. One is to create a space of ongoing discussion and analysis of the experience of privilege and oppression around the issue of recovery. The other purpose is to create an environment that is sensitive to and accepting of issues of recovery from addiction and to facilitate social change in our curriculum, school activities, student body and social work practice.



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