Call for Volunteers – Figure/Ground Communications

The Education section of Figure/Ground Communications (, an interdisciplinary research website at the intersection of Media Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences and Education, is looking for volunteer collaborators to: 1) help with the expansion of the series into the largest repository of scholarly interviews on the web (past interviewees include Noam Chomsky, Simon Critchley, Henry Giroux and Douglas Kellner among other renowned thinkers), and 2) launch/coordinate our student-led scholarly magazine, to be launched in early 2013.

Duties include conducting and transcribing interviews with notable professors; researching conferences and calls for papers to publish to site; offering ideas for expansion of site; managing blog posts and reader contributions; and assisting with general editorial tasks. Senior undergraduates and graduate students may apply. All positions are unpaid, but collaborators will receive a profile on the site, full recognition for projects undertaken, and a letter of reference. Please submit resume to:

For more information about our project, read the Education sections’ editorial here: You can also download the websites feature article, “Figure/Ground Communication: The Meaning of Meaning is Relationship,” published by the University of Southern California’s International Journal of Communication:



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