SAC Meeting March 30, 2012

Meeting called to order at 5:32pm, Friday, March 30th, 2012. 18 present

Minutes taken by Gurminder Hothi

Meeting facilitated by Marie Loeb

Bart Klika presented from the Deanship Review Committee

  • Gave out handout
  • Goal of reviewing Deans Progress
  • Evaluate Dean’s Strategic Goals,
  • Highlight Dean’s Accomplishments
  • Overall review Dean for effectiveness /leadership in 4 essential social work target areas
  • Catalyst survey completed, in person feedback opportunity on Thursday April 5th will be given 5 minute slots
  • Interviews with SSW Stakeholders (external partners, UW and external Deans) Other Health Sciences and Sisters Schools in May
  • Report will be given to Provost and Dean
  • Student response rate 31 responses on catalyst.-Marie suggested qualitative survey


Approval of last meetings minutes:

Michael motioned to pass, Shelby seconded-and it passed with consensus.


PhD. report:

Stated that Cindy will get more involved

EDP report:

  • Trying to increase communication
  • Looking at for networking
  • Health issue-students want more availability of sanitizer dispensers
  • Several issues with registration and practicum
  • Lack of consistency and expertise of classes/instructors in EDP program
  • Next EDP meeting 4.21.12


Advanced Standing report:

  • Tension btwn day students and advanced
  • Looking for venue to resolve discrepancies
  • Appreciative of more class offerings
  • Look into elected Advanced Standing SAC committee member earlier (in the summer)


2nd Year Day report:

  • In graduation mode
  • Working on grad. Stuff
  • On-going discussion that students of color not being supported-example: faculty using inappropriate language-with no support or minimal advocacy to rectify


1st Year Day report:

  • 1st year SAC hadn’t met
  • Students pretty happy about class offerings-more options/electives
  • Request another microwave in student lounge-Emiko reports that can be accommodated
  • Looking to collaborate w/advanced standing on a couple of events
  • The “revolution” has died down-
  • Planning meeting w/1st year reps to send out info to their cohorts


BASW report:

  • There is a new Disability group
  • Cohort has several people w/disabilities
  • Syllabus and class info not disseminated properly
  • Instructors seem not to recognize specific disabilities
  • Students have a feeling of not being respected-the environment is very different
  • DRS not very helpful-they are on a shoestring budget
  • Students have mixed complaints about programming/instruction
    • Too much reading
    • Repeat readings
    • Disappointed w/ class instruction
    • A focus in needed on higher ed. and disability concerns
      • Look at what the rest of the campus is doing to support disability concerns
      • Look at what Portland State University is doing
      • Marie stated is seems to be a social justice issue
      • DRS moving to Mary Gates
        • Current staff environment not conducive/supportive toward disability concerns
        • DRS has limited resources-more funding needed
        • Solution-talk more to faculty about student needs
        • Find out where funding is coming from to leverage resources and increase support
        • Incorporate disability concerns into “3 things you want your professors to know” sessions
        • SSW should be leading the way-SAC should be spearheading the cause
        • Emiko suggested looking into Jerry Kissinger’s class or conducting  class that provides info on resources to aid in reading/workload management skills; disseminate such resources to students
        • Kevin offered looking into state funding connections w/ UW student lobbyist in Olympia


Program Committee Update:

  • Michael reported key issues are-faculty freedom, maintain consistency, core competencies and faculty development
  • Tanya reported the need for increased cohort cohesion; Tacoma MSW program-discussion about opportunities for collegial integration
  • Practicum start dates misrepresented
  • Discussion about students having enough credits for financial aid
    • Getting wait listed
    • Mahogany reported having to take elective she didn’t want.
      • If it’s a day sponsored EDP students cant show up to class, they have to get on wait list and get an aid code if open
  • EDP not having access to electives
  • Mahogany reported that as an EDP student only 5 credits are needed to qualify for financial aid, all others need 10 credits
  • Overall issue with number of electives/wait lists
    • Linda reported that  the first 2-3 waitlist students should be notified, students are prioritized by the time that they request comes in, cohort, and by which cohort the class is being sponsored/prioritized for
    • Emiko reported that EDP elective Instructors retired
    • Gary requested not to schedule electives on Tuesday and Wednesday nights (or on the same nights/weekends as EDP classes)
    • Kevin suggested dropping classes that are full/waitlisted and that students are holding on to maintain financial aid levels and instead register for a class that has open slots
    • Marie reports more transparency is needed for Independent studies
    • Michael reported in Lieu of the new Suicide Assessment/Training law (6-hours/6-years), the school may want to add such a training/course that meets the state requirements


Practicum Advisory Council Update:

  • Marie and Shelby will commit to meeting
  • Tanya is also interested
  • Need to check with Leon to see what scope of participation will be


Communication Subcommittee Report:

  • Michael reported-strategies to codify By-laws
  • Emails are great, but in-person and in-class contact is also important-we need to have a presence
  • Updates and progress-we all need to keep our cohorts informed
  • Branding is important-who we (SAC) are and what we do
  • We need to be around at orientation-recommendations are coming for more involvement
  • Suggestion-convening clubs on a quarterly basis
  • Utilize comment boxes/Bulletin Boards
  • Marie suggests that we need talking point
  • Mahogany suggests having a Catalyst page
  • Tanya suggests having a Facebook presence/page
  • Kevin suggests going to each class
  • Virginia suggests having quarter sheet cards


Bylaws Subcommittee report:

  • Meeting Tuesday at 5pm-Mahogany, Dane, Michael


Budget/Funding Subcommittee report:

  • Lin reported Jay was given $100 for registration, $250 for lodging/travel
  • Request $ from SAC for Mixers
  • Marie reemphasized that funding is only for those students actually presenting at conferences.
  • A suggestion for a skim reading workshop/seminar was introduced
    • Megan mentioned that there used to be a class or materials available for students to enhance study skills


Social Subcommittee report:

  • Debrief All school end of quarter party/recognition event
    • It was small, but people stayed longer
    • Discussion about improving/increasing All School participation
      • Have functions before classes end


New Agenda Items:

  • Social Justice diversity concerns as previously discussed
  • More merchandise would be nice
    • Pens and such at DAWG Days and Orientation
    • Merchandise Committee formed: Tanya and Marie
    • New Member Orientation -Michael
      • Looking/asking for topics to include
      • Appeal-please look at emails, i.e. org chart email was sent out
      • ? What would you like to see in orientation
      • Lin-text for webpage needed
      • Annual Calendar-Michael
        • Sending out an email with attachments, please look at it and respond
        • UPASS update
          • Emailing SAC about the recommendation for the UPASS
          • ASUW not supporting exemptions at this time-more to come
          • Global Health
            • Students are asking about certification
            • A session about certain certificates across campus will be hopefully happening this quarter-info will be sent out via email-look for it


Action Steps:

  • Emiko-another microwave in student lounge
  • Cohesion btwn Advanced and Day-Kevin, Shelby, Virginia
  • Merchandise Committee-Marie and Tanya
  • Practicum Advisory Council-SAC involvement-Shelby, Marie-will email Leon about involvement
  • Social Justice Committee-Disabilities concerns-Tanya
  • Address issues with wait lists/students holding classes-Lin
  • SAC participation in orientations-Michael
  • Program Committee get with Practicum Advisory Council and follow-up on above issues discussed


Next Meeting:

  • May 11th 5.30pm
  • Gary will facilitate
  • Shelby will write minutes/take notes


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