SAC Minutes – Jan 6, 2012

SAC Agenda


Facilitator: Rachel (Kevin will be the facilitator for the next time)

Minutes: Angeli (Meghan will take minutes for the next meeting)

  1. Ongoing Agenda Items:
    1. Approval of minutes from last meeting?  Did not approve last meeting’s notes because there were no notes outside of changes to the By-laws.
    2. Cohort Reports:
      1. i.      PhD, Advanced Standing- no updates
      2. ii.      EDP- meeting at noon 1/7/12
      3. iii.      1st year day- may be another opening for the SAC
      4. iv.      2nd year day- will have a tabling event Feb 2nd and 3rd to talk about graduation.
      5. v.      OSSW/BASW: Received MLK Day Service award (!!!), and sold lots of sweatshirts.
  2. Staff Advisory:  Just hired a program assistant that will be starting on the 19th.
  3. Subcommittee Reports
    1. Program Committee Updates: discussed the biology and statistic course requirement for admittance to UW SSW. Spent a lot of time going over survey feedback on programmatic reviews and how to make sustained efforts to critically think about programming. New formation of Social Justice subcommittee.
    2. Communications: Michael will shoot out an e-mail to those interested in this committee and holding office hours for SAC.
    3. Practicum advisory committee:  (haven’t met yet)
    4. Bylaws:
      1. i.      Article IV section 3, bullet point 5: for any decisions that are contentious, voting should be postponed until the next meeting, with the exception of time sensitive decisions, then an online poll will be used.
      2. ii.      Article VII:  Two treasurers will be elected by SAC that would be responsible (not decision makers) for making sure that SAC money is spent according to SAC’s wishes.  For any non-controversial amounts of $150 or below, treasurers would make decision and send out new total of SAC funds. Anything above would be brought to SAC. Most funds come out of day student fees so the committee members would be Advanced Standing or MSW day ideally.
        1. For students: SAC can approve funding students presenting at conferences only once.
        2. Priscilla and Shelby elected as Treasurers.
        3. Section 3 will be “Xed-out” since no longer relevant.
    5. iii.      Will clarify by-laws via e-mail for approval. Want to set up a task force to make By-laws a living document.
  4. Budget/Funding Requests: ARWAG  requested $500 (possibly 100-200 more) to put on a training by the People’s institute made available to students, staff and faculty based on a sliding scale from 25-50 dollars. Still trying to work out logistics. SAC approved request for funding.
    1. i.      Total Budget for SAC for year: $5000. $1500 used for event planning.
  5. Social: may have another mid-quarter party.
    1. i.      Occupy Seattle Teach In: On January 19th. Still need volunteers and art supplies. E-mail Virginia if available , and please spread the word about the event.
  6. If interested in being a part of a subcommittee, e-mail Lin
  7. New Agenda Items:
    1. Questions from/for new members?
      1. i.      There are a couple of people are not able to make SAC/program committee meetings. Is that an issue? Shouldn’t be. Will have a follow up meeting for EDP students at their meeting.  For those who can’t make it, can e-mail  to vote on decisions.
      2. ii.      How do we make announcements in class? Try approaching teachers beforehand. If you’re not getting a receptive response talked to Emiko about it.
      3. iii.      Do new students want some type of formal orientation? Will try to meet 30 minutes before the next meeting for a brief orientation.
  8. Graduation Stuff: Graduation: Being held Thursday June 7th, tentatively at 6:30 (students would arrive at 5), at Hec Ed. Lin will be setting up a meeting soon to talk logistics and getting a committee together for graduation.   There were some questions about presentation.  Will try to be more diligent about timing this year.  Each graduating cohort should elect one person from their cohort to be on a graduating committee.
  9. Silverware:  Lin will shoot out an e-mail asking for donations of silverware for student lounge.
  10. Food at SAC meetings: Lin will spend $25 dollars per meeting to buy snacky bits.
  11. Shared e-mail account: Michael will send out e-mail on how to get into this. Mahogany will check e-mail until the next SAC meeting.
  12. Why does SSW not have a therapist available for students? Mahogany has compiled a list of sliding scale therapists in the area. Emiko will examine if it could be a possibility again with faculty. Also some interest in creating a peer to peer care counseling program. James Delong has been looking into a model to use. Also interested in creating some type of support program for specific courses like 504. ARWAG has created open office hours for students confronting white privilege.
  13. Is it possible to hang out on patio: Lin will follow up with this.
  14. Next Meeting: February 17th at 5:30 (5 for orientation – send Michael an e-mail ( ) if interested).


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