SAC Minutes – Oct. 21, 2012

Student Advisory Council Meeting: October 21, 2012

Meeting start: 5:45

In attendance: Michael Light, Marie Loeb, Rachel Forte, Emma Sherman, Priscilla Dean, Christina, Janell Vaughn, David, Alysse, Lin Murdock, Emiko Tajima, Tonya, Alissa Luis, Magan Do, Virginia Eader, Mahogany Timmons

Disscussion: executive session of bylaws at future meetings.


Action item: Rachel send out standing agenda.


Introductions, and explanation of Student Advisory Council.


Questions from visitors.


6:00.  Michael RSO update. He has submitted bylaws and officer names, and should gain approval in the next week. We will have access to funds, resources, and space.


Magan: program committee member update about second EDP.  We can hold election for two new EDP Program Representatives, one of which would be voting. This structure will mirror the MSW Day structure in the program in which the first year they watch and learn, and the second year they will vote.


Emiko: report on Health and Safety committee; it has not met over the last year, so research will be done to reinstate.


Disscussion: A second year MSW Day rep will step down, and a new rep can run during the upcoming election.


Elections will include: two advanced students, four first year MSW Day plus one program committee, one second year MSW Day, and first year MSW EDP rep number will be discussed at EDP meeting tomorrow, two EDP program reps.


David, guest student from the day program to speak on behalf of the Occupy Seattle program. Other departments are organizing student, and would like the school of social work to work with them. Donation drive for comfort items, sign making party, and education campaign.


Occupy student are meeting on Thursday at 4:30, and are going to make signs. Occupiers are coming Thursday to speak to people about what is happening.  At the Thursday meeting they will work on the guidelines for the declaration, donations, and education.  They will create a Facebook page, and educational opportunities. David


Michael will get back to the group as to the group about the practicum committee.


Party committee: we have the alcohol permit, and want to know the budget.  There is money from the student fees pot. Priscilla is in charge of advertising, and needs to know the access to printing.


OSSW is sponsoring an event on Halloween party during the day on the 31st.


Party Committee Continued: Advertising for the social event. Short email about the party, fliers, half sheet reminders in the mailboxes, and a poster downstairs.


Retreat: We will go out to dinner to meet the new members Friday, December 9th. Mahogany will take charge of where the meeting will be.


Michael: we have a SAC space in the research commons, our cards will work to get in, and a key has a five dollar deposit.  We can have phone, computer, printer, lighting, etc.


Mental Health and students: Megan says that there used to be a therapist in the SSW. Lin says that counseling through UW is free and unlimited. A peer program will be discussed at next meeting


Action Items:

– Mahogany will plan the retreat.

– Party will be planned and advertised.

– Michael will talk to Leon about Practicum Committee.

– Rachel will send out the standing agenda, and running up.

– Megan will send out information about SAC in regard to voting.

– MSW Day students (the budget subcommittee) will work on approving the funding applications.

– Mahogany will create a list of mental health providers for students.


Meeting concluded: 7:15


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