Call for Submissions – Evans School Review!

Haven’t you always wanted to add a “publications” section to your CV? As you
may have heard, the Evans School Review submission deadline for our 2013 issue
is February 1, 2013 at 5pm PST. That’s right! You have ONE WEEK LEFT to submit
your work to our academic journal.
How long should my paper be?
We have a 5,000 word limit for articles, and a 1,500 word limit for op-eds. These caps DO NOT include the abstract and works cited.

Do I need to include an abstract?
Yes, please! Please also try to reel it in to under 500 words.

Is my paper appropriate for ESR?
For ideas on previously published work, please check out our archived editions on the site at The site also features a bulleted list of
research areas we are interested in receiving.


How do I send my paper your way?
Please submit your work AS A WORD DOCUMENT via email to, no later than 5pm PST on February 1, 2013.

Still have questions?

For more information, check
out our site ( Or, for a more personalized experience,
feel free to email  Bridgette Savino (, Marie
Jackman (, or


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