Eating Disorders Awareness Week Events – 2/25 to 3/1

Next week, February 25-March 1 , is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The theme this year is: “Everybody knows somebody.” In recognition of this event, the Sizeism and Weightism Advocacy Group (SWAG) is promoting several events. These events are open to everyone!

  1. Throughout the week, on the ground floor, there will be an EATING DISORDERS AWARENESS AFFIRMATION POSTER BOARD posted in the hallway with various positive food/body/person affirmations. Please visit this board, and take an affirmation for yourself and a friend. Feel free to write your own affirmations and post them for others to see.
  2. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, at 5pm in ROOM 305b there will be a screening of the documentary, “America the Beautiful 1: Is America obsessed with beauty?” Dinner will be provided. Following the documentary there will be a brief discussion about body image in American culture. Those working with youth strongly encouraged to attend.
  3. Wednesday, February 27 at 8am in the Gallery, we will meet for a campus walk with OPERATIONBEAUTIFUL.COM. This will involve visiting various campus restrooms and posting postitive affirmations on mirrors.
  4. Thursday, February 28 at 7pm, we will meet in the Gallery before going to the UW sponsored “EVERYBODY EVERY BODY FASHION SHOW” at Kane Hall Room 130. There will be student art work displayed, and a brief discussion following the fashion show.


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