Adv Yr Day Graduation SUBCommittees Need Your Help

Adv Year Day GRAD PRESENTATION Subcommittee Sign-UP by Monday, April 1st (Participate as your schedule allows. Details below):

Basically, we are planning on doing a “music video.” The lyrics would be based around the 10 core competencies and/or other funny/annoying things related to UW SSW MSW program. We are also toying with the idea of trying to add a live performance aspect to the presentation as well.

We currently have subcommittees in the following areas.  Pointpersons are listed below – feel free to contact anyone.  The subcommittees would develop a single area of the graduation presentation with a pointperson from the main Planning Committee to answer questions/make connections so all subcommittee activities are integrated in the overall plan. We know your time is limited – you’d just be involved as your schedule permits to develop one aspect of the project).


SIGN UP at this link offer some ideas/creative energy  Please reply by Monday, April 1st so we can get started – we know there’s not a lot of time.

Questions? Below are the pointpersons for each area of the 5 minute video for graduation.  Email questions to them. 


If you have any talents and/or ideas or would just like to be able to have a say in where these lead, please consider
joining one of these subcommittees. By joining you aren’t actually committing to anything at this point – but each  subcommittee will ultimately carry out the plans for their area of expertise.


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