Research Participants Wanted!


As part of my doctoral studies in education, I am conducting a study to better understand how experience in dance changes what people see when they watch a short dance phrase.  I am seeking volunteers to participate in an experiment that would ask you to watch a series of short videos of dance and answer multiple choice questions after each one.  I am currently looking for female participants who are either a) dancers with five or more years of training in Modern or Contemporary techniques OR b) non-dancers who have not had consistent training in any dance genre.

I am making appointments between now and April 1st.  The study should take between 25 and 30 minutes.  My time is quite flexible so I am happy to schedule a time and location that would be convenient for you.  As a thank you for participating, I can provide you with a $5 giftcard to Starbucks. If you have any questions please ask, and if you are interested, let me know a time and place that would work for you and we can make an appointment.

Matthew Henley



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