Volunteer Opportunity in Africa

Did you know that 50% the population in Kenya and South Africa live on less than $2 a day? Volunteer with Azma International and make a difference!

Azma International invites applAzmaFlyer2_Africaications to participate in one of three volunteer programs in Kenya, offered during winter break 2012, spring break 2013 and summer vacation 2013. Volunteers in these programs would work in one of seven program areas:

1) Teaching
2) Medical outreach
3) HIV/AIDS awareness
4) Child development in orphanages
5) Disabled care
6) Women’s empowerment
7) Wildlife Conservation

Volunteering is a great way to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience using your skills to help others while building close relationships with your fellow students. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity while spots are still available. We look forward to working with you! Come promote social justice in Africa, gain technical and intercultural skills, and get a glimpse of different career paths open to you. We invite you to help us fight the war against poverty! Check us out

If you are unable to participate during spring break or summer but would still like to experience a volunteer trip to Kenya, we have programs available year-round. Visit us at


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