BAM Spring/Summer Internships

Bellevue Arts Museum is looking for a few good interns! Educational programs are key to fulfilling BAM’s mission. Free art activities, lectures, workshops and artist demonstrations bring BAM programs to the community. Be part of this creative and exciting team, check the website for more information.

Title: Youth & Family Education Summer Intern
Department: Curatorial
Term: April – Sept 2013
Hours: Flexible, ideally 6 – 8 hours per week
Type: Intern
Compensation: Experience Only
Bellevue Arts Museum is seeking an individual for an internship in the education department. This person will assist in managing Get Crafty Saturdays! art projects for children and parents (every Saturday from 1 – 3pm). The intern will work closely with the Youth & Family Education Coordinator to facilitate weekly art activities, order and prep materials, and coordinate the events on site. Primary duties involve activity planning, community involvement, and volunteer management. Ample opportunity to develop leadership skills and experience managing projects. More details >

Title: Imagination Station Intern
Department: Education/Curatorial
Term: April – Sept 2013 with option to extend
Hours: Flexible, ideally 6 – 8 hours per week
Type: Intern
Compensation: Experience Only
BAM is seeking an individual for an internship in the education department. This person will have a leadership role in the development, planning, and execution of the Imagination Station program, which features three education spaces within the Museum. The intern will work closely with the Education Curator to research interactive education spaces, create content, write installation plans, order and prepare supplies/materials, and coordinate the on site experience. Primary duties involve research, planning, and possibly volunteer management. There is ample opportunity to develop leadership skills and experience managing projects. More details >


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