Bellevue LifeSpring Internship Opportunity

Bellevue LifeSpring is a non-profit agency located in Bellevue. It serves low income children and their families with emergency assistance, food, educational grants, summer school, clothing both new and from our thrift shop.

Students get great experience in the social service field as well as the marketing and fundraising fields. Interns in the past express great appreciation for our combo internship because it gives them a full scope of what a nonprofit agency can offer students in the future.

Bellevue LifeSpring works to foster stability and self-sufficiency for Bellevue’s children and their families. They are looking for students who would like to gain course credits or internship hours while serving the Bellevue community. Through this internship, you will gain experience in the social work field, one on one interaction with clients, social service program administration and other valuable experiences that will help you have a successful career.

Bellevue LifeSpring is in need of students who can work at least 6 hours a week for at least 3 months. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Nancy Garcia at



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