Save the Date: Lavender Graduation 2013 – 6/11

Welcome to the countdown to Lavender Graduation 2013! An event not to be missed…

Graduate and celebrate all of you! Lavender Grad is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergrad or graduate/professional) for a graduation in the 2012-2013 (including fall 2013) academic year. The Q Center and QSC host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, trans*, two-spirit, same gender loving, and allied communities to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS. You do not have to be graduating or be of a certain sexual or gender identity/orientation/expression to participate and/or attend the Lavender Graduation year-end celebration. Everyone is welcome and wanted!!!

The whens, wheres, whys and hows:

When: TUESDAY, June 11th, from 6-8 p.m. Graduates please arrive by NO LATER than 5:15 p.m.

Where: THE UW TOWER, Mezzanine Level Cafeteria (yes…we are queering up the panopticon peeps! (woot woot))

How: IF YOU ARE GRADUATING; please register here. If you are not graduating, but wish to attend please go here

Dress: You can wear whatever you want! This is your graduation and as queer and trans* folks we are often “required” by work, school, family, culture, etc. to dress in ways that do not necessarily fit our tastes. If you wish to wear the cap and gown, wear it. If you want to appear in drag, do it. If you have cultural regalia you wish to wear, please do so! If you want to dress up, go for it. You want to be comfy, have at it. This is your night. All of your identities are celebrated as is the awesomeness that is you and our UW queer communities!


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